18 | The Pout of which his Lips Formed

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this chapter is dedicated to SusanParsons5
for following, voting, and adding
one of my book to her reading list.
honey, you are an angel, how are u
doing ? i hope you have a great day ! ♥︎


The Dark Era ravaged his way last night damaging a few monuments and buildings, the damage that has been done has also affected citizens nearby and those who live in said buildings. As of now, these injured citizens are off to the Central Hospital and luckily– there was no deaths in toll. Our very own Super, The Flash, came to stop further destruction that the Dark Era has started—

Brad's brows raised in worry as his attention fell towards his room door being opened, a mop of black curly hair with a tired face came to view, his supposed to be upset mood over Barry's absense long gone yet he decided to play with the very last strength the Nurse had. Crossing his arms as he diverted his gaze from the Nurse,

Barry's brows raised, clearly picking up at his strange act.  ❝ Hm? Are you okay, Brad? ❞

Brad felt himself melt when Barry called his name, almost giving up with his act and was supposed to curse loudly because of the effect that Barry had on him. But instead, he rose his chin upwards, as if too stubborn to respond yet he did.  ❝ You were't here yesterday. ❞

❝ Oh no, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. .  ❞ Barry said, his voice into a teasing one as he felt himself flush with those four words. It's not like Brad could miss him over the time of his leave, besides— why would Brad miss him?

Bradley continued to turn and look away from Barry's amusing eyes. A smile playing on his lips which earned Barry to raise his brow. Now completely on the game, Barry then took a step forward.  ❝ What would you want me to do then? Leave you to yourself to sulk now? ❞

But Barry could have sworn the last breath he had in his lungs was kicked out when Bradley focused back on him, his arms now untangled and laid on his sides as Bradley looked at him in wonder. But this time, he responded bluntly.  ❝ Kiss me. ❞

Damn straight.

❝ What?! ❞ Barry shrieked, completely taken aback but Brad's chuckle only made him blush more. Brad then leaned closer to Barry, their eyes leveling as he placed a soft kiss on his nose– a grin then settling on his lips.

❝ Cute. ❞ Brad said, smiling wide as he went back to lay properly on his bed. His eyes never leaving Barry's as the now flustered nurse picked up his senses. Glaring playfully at his patient, he reached to bop Bradley's nose when the firefighter caught his hand and opened Barry's palm.

Settling Barry's small hand on the side, letting Barry cup his face. Bradley sighed in content.

❝ I missed you. ❞

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