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I dry my hair and put on my fuzzy pajamas.I pick up my phone and scroll threw it.OMG,No,no,no this is not happening.Ive got millions of messages about my bra incident at school,so many boys are saying how hot I am and so many girls are saying congratulations.I throw my phone down because I don't want to be known as that girl.My head hurts and I'm so tired of this FREAKING day!.I go downstairs and decide to make myself some noodles.But as I'm entering the kitchen I see something terriable.Im.So.Dead.
"Megan,Megan!"I scream and look around for my sister."Megan what have you done?"
There was drawings all over the wall in the living room,and guess who's going to get in trouble,ME.Since I was supposed to watch Megan this was my responsibility.I should have just spoken to her but my sister went to far.Megan finally appears and I just snap.
"Megan,why would you do this,because I wouldn't talk to you,is that it,HUH,HUH!I've had such a bad day actually a terriable day that you would not understand,now I'm going to get into more trouble thanks alot Megan I thought we were sisters"I cry.I slam my bedroom door shut and try to go to sleep because someone stealing my parking spot, damaging someone's car, getting my blazer ruined,my bra being seen by the whole school,getting called in to the principles office for putting on a "show",getting flirted with by hormone filled teenage boys,getting soaked,getting into so much trouble with my parents and basically called a slut is something I just want to FORGET.This was the worst day of my life and I hope I never re-live it again.

______________________________________poor Jaylin! Find our what happens next!

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