Chapter 11

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<Third Person pov/Lets name him Robert>

Josh soon got a call from an unknown number,but it's the hospital telling him about Ali.

When she was hit glass went everywhere and there was a piece dug into the back of her head. She had to put in surgery right away,to keep from dying.

She probably will never be the same again.

Meanwhile,Hayes gets a phone call from the hospital. He just doesn't know how to react. He's never been in love with Ali,but she has a special place in his heart.

He sits on his bed,mixed emotions then decides he needs to visit her.

<Hayes's pov>

I run downstairs to ask Nash for a ride.

All the guys are there. They look at me,then Nash turns around.

"Hayes,whatcha need?"

"I need a ride."


"The hospital."


"Ali was in a crash."

"So? Why are you even friends with that slut?" Cameron butts in.

"I'm friends with her because she's friendly."

"No she isn't." Cam continues.

"How'd you know? You beat her up every day."

"She deserves it."


"She broke up with me!" Gilinsky whines.

"Well you're the one who cheated on her." I shoot back.

Matt has a horrified look on his face. "Dude you made us beat up a girl,because she broke up with you,for cheating on her?!"


"Hayes I'll give you a ride. I have some explaining to do." Matt says getting up.

We walk out of the door,and get in his car.

<Matt's pov>

What kind of bitch makes us beat up a girl,who dumped him for cheating?

Well if you know someone who does.

Beat the fucking shit out of them.

When we get to the desk we ask about Ali.

"Umm she's in surgery right now,but will be out in about 15 minutes." The nurse says.

*15 minutes later*

"Alianna Price?" The doctor calls.

Hayes and I stand up.

"Please don't upset her. She's had a pretty bad crash,not bad enough to die. Still bad enough to stay in hospital a couple of days for observation." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"Room 319 and I'm Dr.Anderson." The doctor says. Hayes and I find Ali's room and walk in.

<Ali's pov>

I wake up in an unusual room,then it hits me.

I'm in the hospital,because I was in a wreck. Someone opens my door and I see Hayes and Matt. I feel my eyes widen.

"Let me explain." Matt says. I nod telling him to continue,which I probably shouldn't have because my head hurts now.

"Gilinsky told us you cheated on him with like four other guys. He told us you had sex with one of them. We just wanted to protect our friend. I don't know,I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me right away,I just hope we can be friends again." When Matt finishes I pull him into a hug.

I forget Hayes is even here until he says,"Aweeeee."

Matt and I shoot him a look. They end up staying the night here with me.

We talk,watch tv,and I watch them pull pranks.

I think I'm starting to like my life.

Well at least some.




I have big plans for this book. Or should I say these books. Yes I'll be writing a sequel and maybe even a series. I really hope you like my writing. I'm not the best in third person,I'm better in first.

I may not post very much on Saturdays because of Game Day. Lemme say two words.

War. Eagle.

I'm kinda girlie,but I'm not so yeah. Love you guys.


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