Chapter 19

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*Read Authors Note at the end*
<Matt's pov>
"Bro,"Hayes pauses,"that's so awesome."
"Hayes,we've got to find her."
We run to my car.
Nash was taking too long in the house. He soon came out with a note. He got in the driver's side and gave it to me.
"Read it out loud."
Dear idiot,
Ali has been taken to a special spot. We'll spare her,unless she starts being a smart ass. Then it's her social life for the past three years-gone,dead,whatever you want to call it. If you want her to be released,come alone to Zero Gravity at 7:27 tonight.
-The Death Crewe.
"Dude,you're getting her." Hayes states.
"Okay,but I'll get killed."
"No you won't. I've got a plan." Nash says.
<Ali's pov>
I wake up tied to a chair,in a dark place.
"Nice sleep?" Taylor asks.
"You know what I look for in a girl?" Cameron asks.
"Bimbos? Sluts? Whores?" I answer.
"Where's the rest of you're idiot posse?"
"I don't know. The smart ones are-"
I cut him off,"Are not here?"
Cameron lunges at me,"Bitch watch you're mouth."
"Watch you're language."
"That's it." I see him take a knife. He holds my arm down and slices,like a deep cut.
Meanwhile,Taylor decides to hit me. Hard. Bad mistake for him to stand in front of me.
Yea,you guessed it I kicked him. Then the best part happened,he cried out in pain. I just smirked.
"Ready to pay?" Cameron asks.
"Ready for prison?" I retort.
He starts kissing me.
"Stop! What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing,I know you like it."
"I'd rather have a child with my brother."
"Be like that." He forces my shirt off. Good thing I had on a sports bra,because a regular bra would be extremely awkward,but I wished I wouldn't have had on my shorts.
"Ready for sleeping?" Then he sticks me.........again.
You know the line.
Everything goes black......again.
<Matt's pov>
Why'd Gilinsky decide on the hood. It scares me. I've always like Ali,until Gilinsky told me she cheated. Even then I had a weird feeling about her. I think she's beautiful. When we kissed something magical happened. I swear.
I also swear Dr.Stupido will get badly hurt.
"Who'll hurt Dr.Stupido?" Hayes asks.
"How much did you hear?"
"Dr.Stupido part."
Maybe I should stop talking to myself.
HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT? IM ON MY PERIOD AND IM HUNGRY. Who am I kidding I'm always hungry. Anyways here's another chapter. After this book is finished I will do an Ask The Author thing and I'll answer ANY questions about the book. Bye guys

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