Chapter 15

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<Matt's pov>
"You what?" I say shocked.

"I didn't mean to. I was talking with Chelsea one day. After like three days we had to talk privately,and ended up making out in a supply closet. She cheated on Bradley and I cheated on Ashley." Hayes says.

"You're an idiot." I tell him.

"Not as much as Gilinsky."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I heard him tell Nash he got a girl pregnant."



"Doesn't she go out with Cameron?"

"Used to."

<Ali's pov>
"Who got you pregnant?" I ask.
"Gilinsky." She says still sobbing.
"What about Cam?"
"I may be mad,but I'm not going to hold a grudge. Come over."
"Ok." She hangs up,still sobbing.
I can't believe she went with Gilinsky,after what he did to me.
Just stupid.
I hear a knock on my door. Assuming it's Sophie I go open without asking.
Standing there is Kelsey Andrews.
The Kelsey Andrews.
"Are you Alianna Price?"
"Can I come in?"
"Sure," I open my door for her to come in.
"My manager knows you're mom and was wondering if you'd like to become a model for Victoria Secret?"
"If you want to your plane leaves in a month. Your first photo shoot will be in Miami,but you'll live in Birmingham,Alabama. If you do not want to become a model,you don't have to. You have three weeks to decide." She says,walking back to the door.
"If I do?"
"Here's your ticket. You can take one friend." Handing me the ticket.
"If I don't?"
"Just stay here,I guess."
"Don't mention it. I hope we work together soon." She smiles and walks back to her Porsche.
<Matt's pov>
"Run." I whisper yell to Hayes.
As of now,Nash is going to kill him. He told Madeline about Nash and Lydia. I find this funny. Really funny.
I see them run by me and I yell to Nash,"Dude! This is better than cable!"
"Shut the hell up,Matt."
"Where's Hayes?" Nash stops.
"Attack!" Hayes yells and jumps off the railing. They fight and Hayes pins Nash to the ground.
"You wouldn't do that to Ali."
"What are you talking about."
"Gilinsky's plan."
"He said-"
"Just act like it."
"Well I'll see you guys later." I say getting up and walking to the door.
<Ali's pov>
I hear someone open the door. I go downstairs and see Matt.
"Can I help you?"
"Come up." He comes up to my room and we talk on my bed.
"Thanks for the talk therapist."
He wins a small giggle out of me. We talk about random things until my phone buzzes.
A text from my mom. Perfect.
Mom:Ali,I hope you're feeling like crap. Just know you were adopted,that's why we don't love you,and why you're so ugly. Have an awful day. Hate,Mom.
"Everything okay?" Matt asks. I show him my phone.
He hugs me,trying to make me feel better.
"If anything,I think you're beautiful."
"Thank you."
We just stare at each other,then something unusual happens.
We kiss.
I kissed Matthew Espinosa?

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