Chanel's Story(You don't have to read this)

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Death By Kaitlin Mims
Daniel was late to work one day. An he had to run
While on his way a hospital blew up
The hospital burned
And soon after his girlfriend found him dead.
And she cried
And didn't go to his funeral,because she couldn't bear to see him dead,being pregnant with his kid.
Death to You(Sequel to Death)
Chanel gave birth to David and Arabella 3 months after Daniel's death.
She raised them by herself. Even though she was still a teen.
👶=👦. 👶=👧
Arabella soon started asking about Daniel.
👧❓ 👸⛔️
Chanel couldn't bear the pain. Especially his birthday being so soon.
Chanel feel into depression,and cried all the time.
One day,Daniel's brother,Daren,and Chanel started dating.
Three years after he proposed.
He cheated on her.
Then she was upset
Then she met a guy named,Allen.
Oh No!(The final installment of the Death Trilogy). By Kaitlin Mims
Soon after Chanel and Allen met they started dating.
They were in love and Allen proposed to Chanel.
She said yes of course
Three days before their wedding she found out she was pregnant with his child.
(Three years later)
Allen woke up to Caylee crying.
He soothed her
Soon he was off to work
And he got hit by a bus
Chanel cried
She later died because of depression
Arabella,David,and Caylee(The second series to the Death Trilogy)
Two years after Chanel's death Arabella and David were 20.
Arabella adopted Caylee
Arabella met a guy,named Harna
Little did she know it was Allen's other kid.
They got to talking and started dating
He proposed
To another woman
Arabella found out and told David
David killed Harna three years after his first child
David went to jail
🏫(there's no jail emoji so I used it for the clock Bc his jail time is ticking)
Arabella married a guy named,Julius(Cesar. Jk)
They started a family
Arabella was at home one day watching the news and Julius had died by an oncoming train
She grew old a widow.
She died

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