Chapter Four

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After clearing the Sith Academy, Emperor Aolroth rendezvoused with Darth Xhax and Commander Pierce at the entrance of the Sith Academy.

Pierce: Sir! Our Forces have taken the Sith Academy!

Emperor Aolroth: Very good Commander. I am pleased to let you all know that Empress Acina is dead.

Darth Xhax: Acina was here?

Yes. And she fell.

Commander Pierce soon gets a call from his Holocommunicator. He activates it to see the form of Grand Admiral Quinn and gives it to his Emperor.

Emperor Aolroth: What is it Admiral?

Quinn: I've just received word that Lord Scourge's fleet has suffered considerable damage. I recommend to call a retreat or else we risk crippling our fleet.

Emperor Aolroth: We have taken Korriban. Inform Lord Scourge to retreat.

Emperor Aolorth laid out his command to the Grand Admiral.

Quinn: As you wish, my lord.

Grand Admiral Quinn then ends the transmission. The Emperor then turns to his Apprentice.

Emperor Aolroth: Xhax. Take Commander Pierce and Shadow Squadron and round up all Sith and Imperial leaders. I want them brought to me immediately.

Darth Xhax: It will be done, my master.

Darth Xhax takes Commander Pierce to do as her master had commanded. The Emperor then returns to where he had killed Empress Acina and finds a broadcast setup. He pieced it together as Acina's attempt to consolidate her power by  showing off Aolroth's body to the entire Empire. Emperor Aolroth would do that for himself and set up a broadcast. When the broadcast began, Emperor Aolorth began his speech.

Emperor Aolroth: Citizens of the Empire, your Empress is dead and Korriban has been conquered. As of now, the Empire is now under my control. I will offer amnesty to any Sith and Imperial alike who pledges their loyalty to me. Any who continue to resist shall be destroyed without mercy or sympathy. Follow me and the Galaxy shall know True Peace. For too long, the Imperial Bureaucracy has shacked our efforts to crush our foes and create True Peace. Follow me and together we shall destroy the Republic and their Jedi protectors. Follow me and you shall know glory the likes of which Acina could never provide. Follow me and True Peace will be our reality. Glory and victory awaits you all. But no matter what promises I make, the choice is yours. But know this, the Empire is mine. Any who chooses to refuse that truth shall know the full might of my power. With that warning, I give you all this choice: join me or die.

Emperor Aolroth finished handing out his ultimatum to the entire Empire. Once he finished, he turned off the broadcast and exited the room.  After finishing his speech, Darth Xhax and Commander returned to Emperor Aolroth with several Sith and Imperial prisoners.

Darth Xhax: We have here Imperial commanders and Sith Overseers for your judgement.

Darth Xhax introduced the prisoners to her Emperor. Emperor Aolroth looked to the prisoners before him. Most of the Imperial commanders  were quaking in fear while many of the Sith Overseers remained strong.

Emperor Aolroth: Who here is the most powerful of the Overseers?

Overseer: I am Overseer Harkin. I am Sith, you traitor! Whatever treachery you prepare to spit, I won't succumb to your lies!

Without hesitation, Emperor Aolroth pulls out his lightsaber and cuts down Harkin. The Imperial commanders begin to break down in fear.

Emperor Aolroth: I offer you all amnesty. Those who pledge their loyalty to me shall live. Those who refuse shall die.

The Imperial commanders accepted immediately without hesitation. Most of the Sith Overseers accepted Aolroth's offer with the exception of one. Emperor Aolroth speaks to the one Sith who refused.

Emperor Aolroth: Who are you?

Sith: I am Lord Arzanon.

Emperor Aolroth: Why do you not accept my amnesty?

Arzanon: My loyalties lie with the Sith. To the Empire.

Emperor Aolroth: You understand what this means for you? You choose death by refusing. Your loyalty is admirable, but misplaced.

Arzanon: I know what I choose. I am Sith. I will die as Sith. Like my father before me an his father before him. I shall die with my head held high.

Those words broke through Aolroth's shell and reminded him of his fight with Overseer Tremel. He did not wish to kill this Sith out of respect for his philosophy, but he had to make an example out of him.

Emperor Aolroth: It is true, Lord Arzanon. You are Sith. You will die by Sith.

As Emperor Aolroth said this, he raised his lightsaber. Arzanon didn't flinch as the lightsaber struck him down. As the life faded from the Sith's eyes, Emperor Aolroth felt a sense of regret for having to kill a Sith with such conviction and loyalty.

Emperor Aolroth: Let his death serve as an example to the rest of you! You serve me. The Empire is mine! Whatever troops you command now serves me!

The Sith Empire was now on the verge of being conquered. Emperor Aolroth's Empire had conquered Korriban and his ultimatum had gripped the Sith Empire in total fear. All that Aolroth needed to do was to destroy anyone within the Sith Empire who would still resist the will of Emperor Aolroth's Empire. Only then would he be able to conquer the Sith and then the Republic.

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