Chapter Six

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In the orbit of Balmorra, a small shuttle flies to the planet. Inside, Darth Xhax and Commander Pierce prepare themselves for the coming battle.

Pierce: It looks like we won't shot out of the sky. That's a good first step.

Darth Xhax: That is irrelevant, Commander. What matters is the mission. We'll finish this mission regardless of what happens.

Pierce: You really are like your master, aren't you?

Darth Xhax: I am an instrument of his will. I made a promise to always serve him.

Pierce: You and me both. Though my promise is more of an order. An order I'm more than happy to follow.

Darth Xhax: And what would those orders be, Commander?

Pierce: I'm not to die without his permission. I intend to follow those orders to the very end.

As he finishes the pilot of the shuttle interrupts.

Pilot: We've reached the safest point nearby the weapons factory!

Darth Xhax then gives a speech to Commander Pierce and Shadow Squadron.

Darth Xhax: You men are the very best of the Empire! You all live to serve Emperor Aolroth! We all have made our vows to him! As we speak, remnants the False Empire lies in Balmorra! The weapons factory we seek supplies Baras and his followers weapons to resist our Emperor! We shall take this weapons factory so that it will serve the True Empire!

Commander Pierce leads his squad in a cheer. After the speech, Darth Xhax leads Commander Pierce and Shadow Squadron out of the shuttle. After they exit, the shuttle flies away from Balmorra, essentially leaving Darth Xhax and her command on their own.

Darth Xhax: We move for the weapons factory!

Pierce: You heard the lady! Move out!

Commander Pierce commands as Shadow Squadron follows the Sith. After a lengthy journey through the night, Darth Xhax and her squad reach the outskirts overlooking the weapons factory on Balmorra. Commander Pierce pulls out a set of macrobinoculars and observes the weapons factory.

Darth Xhax: What do you see, Commander?

Pierce: Looks like intel was right about forces inside. Darth Angral's forces outnumber us at least ten to one. Seems like pretty good odds for us!

Darth Xhax: Are there any blind spots we can enter through?

Commander Pierce uses his macrobinoculars to look for any entrances that they can sneak through. After a brief moment, he finds one.

Pierce: Looks like the back door isn't as guarded as the entrance. Just a few troopers guarding it. Best approach is for you to go down there and kill them before they could call for reinforcements.

Darth Xhax says nothing as she makes her way towards the back door. At the back door of the weapons factory, Imperial troops guard the back door. One of them sees Darth Xhax walking towards the entrance. Seeing her, the Imperial troops raise their weapons.

Imperial Soldier" Stop right there!

Darth Xhax held out her hand and used Force Choke to strangle and kill most of the Imperial troops there. She pulled out her lightsaber and cuts the remaining Imperial troopers down. After killing the Imperial Soldiers, she signals  Commander Pierce and Shadow Squadron to form up around her.

Pierce: You Sith never cease to amaze me, sir!

Darth Xhax: The Dark Side is my ally, commander. Now we continue on.

Pierce: Yes sir! You heard the Sith, Shadow Squadron!

Commander Pierce lays out his orders as they follow the Kaleesh Sith into the weapons factory. As they sneak their way through the weapons factory, Darth Xhax sees Lord Tarnis speaking with an Imperial Commander. As they speak, Lord Tarnis senses something.

Tarnis: It appears that we've been infiltrated.

As Lord Tarnis says this, he uses the Force to crush the balcony that Darth Xhax was in. Lord Tarnis sees Shadow Squadron.

Tarnis: Commander. Alert the garrison. Tell them we have a garbage problem.

The Imperial Commander runs and alerts the entire weapons factory as Darth Xhax activates her lightsaber.

Darth Xhax: Commander! Take Shadow Squadron and assault the garrison! I'll deal with Tarnis! Remember your orders!

Commander Pierce simply nods as he takes Shadow Squadron and leads them away from Darth Xhax and Lord Tarnis.

Tarnis: It was a mistake for Aolroth's slave to come here!

Tarnis snarls as he activates his lightsaber.

Darth Xhax: I am no slave! A slave has no choice! I choose to serve my master without hesitation or doubt! I would see the whole Galaxy burn in service to my master!

Darth Xhax shouts as she activates her lightsaber as she charges at Tarnis and engages him in a lightsaber duel. When they clash blades, Tarnis attempts to throw Xhax off her game.

Tarnis: I'll destroy you and deliver your head to my father!

Lord Tarnis attmepts to insult the Kaleesh, but she doesn't let that get to her.

Darth Xhax: You seem confident! I'll kill you then your father!

Darth Xhax and Tarnis continue to exchange blows. Eventually, Darth Xhax lands a devastating blow to Lord Tarnis as she kicks him to the ground. She aims her lightsaber as Tarnis's neck.

Darth Xhax: You lost Tarnis.

Tarnis: No! It cannot be! I cannot fail!

Darth Xhax felt disgust and hatred towards Tarnis as she raised her blade.

Darth Xhax: Your father is next! I'll be the one to let him know how his only son died a weak and pathetic excuse of a Sith!

Darth Xhax snarls as she finishes Tarnis off. After killing him, Darth Xhax then searches the weapons factory for Darth Angral and give him the same fate as his son.  

Star Wars: The Tale of Darth Aolroth Book III - Fall of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now