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A/N: Warning! There are Endgame spoilers in this chapter!

Stephen's POV

"OKAY, IS EVERYONE READY?" I announced sitting on the tree above everyone to assert my dominance.

"I don't understand why you're making such a big deal about this." Loki sighed and crossed his arms.

"IT'S FOR THE SHIP!" Peter exclaimed sitting on top of a smaller tree next to mine. We were waiting in the garden, trying to get the plan to work.

"FOR THE SHIP!" Everyone else responded except me and Loki who rolled our eyes.

"I texted him! He's on his way!" Natasha looked up from her phone, giving me a thumbs up.

"Hopefully this works..." I start to worry, almost falling off the tree in the process. Where the hell did Levi go?

"Don't worry, Mister Doctor Strange! Mr. Stark will definitely say yes!" Peter grinned, climbing up to my tree to sit next to me. I smiled back, trying to mask my nerves. No wonder Tony likes him so much.

"I hope so, kid."

"NAT, I AM HERE, WHAT'S WRONG?" Tony arrived, with Bruce behind him trying to catch his breath. "What is this?" Levi flew up to me and Peter, leaving Tony.

"CUE THE TRUMPETS." Peter yelled, which made Loki and Clint start playing cheap trumpets, while Thor and Peter played some kazoos we found at the dollar store. I face palmed mentally and levitated down from the tree, approaching Tony.

"Stephen, what's going on?" All the music stopped as I took Tony's hand, his face turning a mild pink.

"Um..well...I guess...uh.." I look up at Peter who grins and mouths something to me. "Uh...do you have 11 protons? Because you are sodium fine." Tony smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"What did you say to me, wizard?" Oh no, I bet he doesn't like them.

"I mean...you must be the square root of negative 1 because there is no way that you can be real." I paused before starting again. "Um... y-your angles must be less than 90 degrees, because I think that you are so acute." He grabbed my other hand and squeezed it , still smirking at me.

"Are you trying to ask me out, Stephen?" I stuttered, causing him to laugh at my flustered state. "Cuz if you are, it's totally working."

"Wait wha-" Before I could finish he pulled me into a kiss. Shocked, I do nothing for a few seconds before closing my eyes and kissing back. His lips were chapped against my soft ones. I slowly pulled away staring at him in awe. "Is that a yes?"

"Of course it is you idiot."


"I knew Peter had to be a part of this." He muttered. "PETER, GO BACK TO YOUR FIELD TRIP!"

"Hell no."


"Fine, bye, Mr. Stark." I create a portal which Peter jumps through, probably landing in his hotel room.

"ThE sHiP hAS sAiLeD." Natasha and Clint squealed.

"What about you Bruce? Were you also apart of this?" Tony asked, walking up to his friend.

"NO! No one told me this was happening!" Bruce pouted and glared at the rest of us.

"You spend the most time with Tony! You would have spoiled it!" Natasha explained, arms crossed.

"So about that date?" I smirked and walk up to Tony.

"Tomorrow?" He offered, intertwining our fingers.


I snap back to reality to see myself sitting on Titan, Tony, Peter and the Guardians in front of me.

"You're back, you're alright." Tony touches my arm, attempting to calm me down. Though, when I look into his eyes I see the man I loved in half of these realities. I also see the man that needs to die to save this one.

"Hey, what was that?" Peter asks, concerned. I look at Tony one last time before explaining.

"I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict."

"How many did you see?" Quill questions. Poor guy, everyone's going to hate him soon.

"14,000,605," I reply without skipping a beat. Of course I counted who do you think I am.

"How many did we win?" I stare into his eyes intently and pause. Everything I do from now has to make sure that this man ends up sacrificing himself. It's the only way.


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