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Tony's POV

After the whole ice cream fiasco, we all decided to stay at the hotel while Steve and Bucky went on a fancy date, cuz they "deserved it", apparently. Everyone just high-key ships them so much, and getting parental supervision out of the hotel was always fun.

I expected the rest of the day to be somewhat normal. What could top an all-out ice cream war? (One that I may or may not have started). But, sadly we're the Avengers and the Avengers can't relax for too long.

A knock on the door caused me to jump from my position on the couch. Stephen groaned and paused the TV, getting up to open the door.

"Um... hi," A nervous looking Bruce greeted. "Can I talk to you?" Stephen raised an eyebrow in confusion but followed Bruce outside the room anyway.

That was weird. I continue watching Netflix until Stephen comes back in, looking nonchalant. Too nonchalant. 

"What did he tell you?"

"He told me not to tell you." Stephen paused. "Wait, I wasn't supposed to say that." 

"TeLL mE." I poked his arm over and over again, making it hard for him to ignore me.

"HE LOST THE SNAKE." I felt the color drain from my face at Stephen's revelation.

"He...he lost the snake?" I repeated. "He lost the highly venomous tiger snake?" I raced to Bruce's room, with Stephen slowly trailing behind me.

"YOU LOST THE SNAKE?" Bruce winced at my loud tone, then glared at Stephen behind me. 

"I told you not to tell him," Stephen shrugged in response as if to say, he's your problem now. 

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I grabbed Stephen's wrist and drag him to the now empty cage where Dustin the snake once sat.

"Ya'know, one time Loki turned into a snake, and I picked up the snake cuz I love snakes. Then he transformed back and was like 'BLAARGH it's me' and stabbed me." We all stared at Thor with different looks. Stephen and I had confusion on our faces, but Bruce seemed to have heard the story many times before. 

"Wait, how do we know that Dustin isn't just Loki in disguise?" Stephen asked. Bruce gasped very dramatically.

"Shut the front door."

"Did you guys really not think of that?" I facepalmed. Bruce started rambling about how Dustin was just a cute snake and whatever. Thor's face was blank, showing no emotion. 

"There he is," Thor pointed to the large tiger snake on the floor. I screamed and latched onto Stephen, who seemed totally done with the whole situation. "Hi, Dustin." 

"Hi, brother." I watched, terrified as the snake turns into to Loki, holding a dagger. My grip on Stephen become insanely tighter. 

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" I let go of Stephen and stare at Loki, whose only focus at the moment seemed to be Thor.

"Please don't stab me, brother." Though, Thor's tone sounds like he really wouldn't care if Loki were to stab him. 

"How can I stab you with a banana?" Loki's dagger now appears to merely be a banana. 

"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZIpFytCSVc." I looked at both of them, my confusion becoming greater by the second. I looked up at Stephen, searching for some kind of sense in this room. But Stephen was no longer in the room, he had replaced himself with a cardboard cut out of himself. I turned around to see Stephen running down the hallway, back to our room. Traitor. 

Now my only hope was Bruce. I slowly turned, praying that Bruce was not a cardboard cut out. No this was much worse. Bruce was casually sitting on his bed, reading a book, not acknowledging the situation at all. Wasn't he freaking out a few minutes ago?  

"I saw you hanging out with the Avengers the other day." Loki crossed his arms.

"Loki, it's not what you think!" Thor defended.

"I won't hesitate, bitch." Loki charged at Thor with bananas in both hands. 

"Loki stop."

"How do you know what's good for me?" Loki protests, still wielding the bananas.

"THAT'S MY OPINION!" Thor shouted, waaaay too loudly. I looked at him judgingly, and even Bruce looked up from his book with a confused expression. 

"TONY!" I woke up with a face looking down at me. 

"What the heck just happened?"

"You fainted after seeing the empty cage," Stephen explained, checking my pulse.

"I think I just saw a possible future." 

"Did we win?" Stephen joked, smiling. 

"I had no idea what was going on, to be honest."

"Yeah, most futures are like that. When I was looking at the 14,000,605 futures for the whole Thanos thing, there was one where Thanos and Elon Musk went to Mars and became weed farmers."

"Why is that not surprising?" I get up from my position on the floor, seeing Bruce and Thor trying to find Dustin.

"Oh, look there he is." Thor points a spot on the ceiling where a striped snake sat. "Hello, Dustin!"

"Hello, brother." Oh shit. 

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