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"Is this some sort of deja vu?" I stare between Thor and Loki.

"Yay.....family reunion," Stephen mumbled before portaling away. At least he's not a cardboard cut out.

"Loki! What are you doing here?" Thor rushed to give his brother a hug. Does he have a death wish? How is he not stabbed already?

"Well, I heard you were having a vacation, and you didn't invite me." He said the last part with clenched teeth and a glare clearly directed at yours truly.

"We have tons of extra rooms! It should be fine, right, Stark?" Thor looked at me with huge eyes, a smirking Loki standing behind him.

"Yeah, it's......fine." I glare at Loki as Thor drags him out of the room to show him around. Bruce shrugged and followed them, leaving me to regret my decisions.

- - -

Star-spangled asshole

TinMan: yo Steve

OldMan: Who is this?

TinMan: the one and only, best avenger, best person on the planet

OldMan: Wait. Wow, you're me from another universe!

TinMan: no it's Tony bitch

OldMan: Oh, hello Tony.

TinMan: u rlly have to make contacts

OldMan: How do you do that?

TinMan: doesn't matter anyway, we have a bigger problem

OldMan: What?

TinMan: we got Loki'd

OldMan: Oh no, don't tell me it happened again.


OldMan: Language.

OldMan: I'm not telling Bucky, he'll make us go back to the hotel.

TinMan: bring me back some shawarma

OldMan: We're not at a shawarma place.

TinMan: ...

OldMan: Fine.

OldMan: We'll get some on the way back.

TinMan: :)

"How did he react?" Bruce nonchalantly asked, knowing that Steve probably would be fine.

"He's getting us shawarma,"

"Why? So I can wallow in sadness surrounded by the sweet smell of pita bread?"

"No, cuz I asked," I walked over to where Bruce was lying dramatically on the couch. "I think you're being a bit too extra."

"WhAt? nO, i'M nOT." Bruce gasped. I pouted at him mockingly.

"Is it because Loki stole your boyfriend? You should be happy that Thor is spending time with his broth-"

"Thor isn't my boyfriend," Bruce crossed his arms, but I still noticed his cheeks flush bright red. Wait, really? I thought they would be dating by now!

"Yeah, ok..." I started. "I mean you guys would be really cute together..." Bruce huffed and sat up on the couch.

"Like you and Stephen would be really cute together?" Bruce challenged. I felt my face heat up but stayed silent. "Ironstrange is totally real, Stephen definitely likes you back."

"Yeah, he totally likes me," I sarcastically replied. "Definitely, since I always embarrass myself in front of him and probably make his life hell."

"He helped you with your panic attacks, now they're basically gone! Also, Bucky sent me this photo." Bruce pulled out his phone showing me a photo of Stephen and me in the backseat sleeping. Our fingers were intertwined and my head rested on Stephen's shoulder. What the hell?

"That's photoshopped, Bruce."Wait a minute. "You're just trying to avoid talking about your crush! You can't do that! I'm the master at doing that!"

"Says the guy who has been talking about his crush for the last minute," Bruce countered, throwing a pillow at me in protest. "You sound like Steve denying his crush on Bucky before they got together." The pillow misses and instead hits Stephen's cloak which angrily tries to attack Bruce.

"Calm down, Levi," I soothed, but Levi still slapped Bruce's arm and decided to go to my shoulders. Bruce sat with pain and shock on his face.

"HIS CAPE EVEN LIKE YOU," Bruce exclaimed, risking getting slapped again.

"Cloak, not cape," I corrected with annoyance. Oh my god, why can't people get it right? Bruce's shocked look turns into a smirk.

"What?" I questioned before my phone makes a buzzing noise.

Science Bros


ScienceBro: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Seriously, Bruce?" I sighed, putting my phone in my pocket despite the constant notifications. "Bruce, stop!"

"What? I only sent one." Bruce protested, pulling out his phone as proof. Wait, then who's texting me? I pull out my phone to see four messages from Nat.



Nat: Tony

Nat: Help

Nat: plz

Nat: its an emergency

- - -

A/N: Do you guys like angst, crack or fluff more in this book cuz I think I've written all 3

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