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A/N: WARNING: this chapter contains high amounts of crack

Steve's POV

I lost him.

I looked around the park for Clint, which is a total pain after running into screaming teenage girls and getting crowd surfed multiple times in one day.

"CLINT!" I called out, not hearing any reply from my lost teammate. Not again. If he purposefully took his hearing aids out I'm going to-

"Did you lose him again?" Natasha and Bucky walked up next to me. Nat wearing a smirk while her arms were crossed. 

"YES. He was there and then I went to get us ice cream and he was gone!" Bucky suddenly started hysterically laughing, while Nat was making an effort not to. "What is it?" Nat points up and the stage in the middle of the park where an announcer was standing. 

"And now I present the monthly park dance off!" The announcer motions towards the contestants of this so-called "dance off". Oh no. 

I looked up and saw Clint standing on the stage, trash talking his other competitors which happened to be a bunch of tweens with ages between 10-12. Of course, they were making "yo mama" jokes back at Clint. 

"THE JOKES ON YOU! MY MOM IS DEAD!" Clint shot back at a volume considerably greater, causing everyone to go silent.

"AHem, ANYWAY," the announcer continued. "Let's begin the dance off!"

"3! 2! 1! DANCE!" The crowd cheered as the battle began. 

Clint started off first doing some weird dance with his arms moving back and forth, his face not showing emotion. I've never heard of it but this made Nat and Bucky laugh even more.

"What dance is he doing?" Of course, they ignore me. 

"Is he planning on doing Fortnite dances the whole time?" Nat asked finally catching her breath. Fork knife dances?

"I hope so! The crowd's going wild!" Bucky nodded towards the roaring crowd while Clint switched from his weird arm dance to a weirder dance where he kicking the air. What's going on?

"Oh my god, we have to call Peter!" Natasha pulled out her smartphone and started a face chat thing with Peter. 

"Miss Romanoff? Why are you callin- OH MY GOSH!" Nat pointed her camera at Clint on the stage beating some eleven-year-old at dances. Clint looked up at waved at the camera, causing Bucky to go off on another round of uncontrollable laughter. "He is a national treasure, sorry Cap." I gasped dramatically at the Spider-Kid's words.

"How dare you." 


I could tell how mesmerized Peter was by Clint's performance. I looked around at the audience, seeing their mesmerized faces as well. Clint gracefully moved his arms and legs in different directions, doing what Peter described as, "Orange Justice". The beauty of the performance brought many to tears either from laughter or from second-hand embarrassment. Nonetheless, this dance was a true beauty.  

Clint went through the three dances once again, before appropriately bowing and walked straight off the stage in a way that Bucky always described as "move, I'm gay". The tweens exchanged confused glances, most likely accepting defeat, as no one could beat the beauty of Clint's performance. He is indeed, a national treasure.  

Clint walked up to our trio (plus phone Peter), a smug look on his face. 

"Mr. Barton that was amazing!" Peter exclaimed. "Bravo! You really put the normies in their place." 

"Thanks, kid! Am I on the favorite Avenger list now?" 

"Definitely. We stan a meme king." What the heck does that mean?  "Anyway, I've got to go! Tell me if Clint won the dance comp." 

"Bye, Pete." I waved at the screen as Natasha hung up. 

"Will the contestants please come up to the stage!" The announcer was now standing next to a pedestal where a giant gold trophy sat. 

"Welp, that's my cue! Hawkeye's about to get the gold." Bucky rolls his eyes as Clint waddles back over to the stage. 

While all the contestants are headed up, I catch a few familiar faces coming from both sides of the park. Tony and Stephen arrive first, hauling more than fifteen pounds of park food. I open my mouth to object but am quickly interrupted by Stephen.

"Don't ask, not my idea." Tony looked up at him and smirked. Aww, they're cute, I'd put them in a boat. That's the saying, right?

"I'd put Tony and Stephen in a boat," I whisper to Bucky, who is stifling back laughter. He looks at me, confused.

"You mean you ship them?" he whispers back. 

"Ohhhh, that's what it's called. I knew it had something to do with boats." I really need to get caught up on these new things like shipping and fork knife. Bucky chuckles and kisses me on the cheek.

"You should hang out with Peter some more, you'll get caught up easier." And maybe regain my spot as the national treasure. 

From the other side of the park, Thor and Bruce arrive, Thor happily pulling Bruce along. Bruce, who seemed really confused was muttering things like, "how did I not throw up," and "I'm never doing that again". Bruce looked up at us, finally noticing we were there.

"Oh, hey guys." He turned to up at the stage. "What did Clint do this time?" 

"HA, Tony you're going to love this." Nat started, before being interrupted by Bucky.

"Shhhh... they're giving out the trophy." I attentively watch as Clint, bless his cocky soul, stands on the stage like he knows he's going to win. 

"The winner both awed and confused the judges and the audience with their amazingly strange dancing, that blasted away the competition." Well Clint, duh. "The winner is..." Why are they taking so long?  "Jessica! The hip-hop queen!" WHAT!?

Clint seemed to have the same reaction I did. He walked up to Jessica shook her hand and whispered something inaudible to her. When he walked away she stood frozen on the stage, her face full of confusion.

"TaShA, I LoST." Clint sadly said while Nat gave him a hug. I sympathetically patted him on the back. 

"I thought your performance was beautiful, like Peter said, really put the normies in their place." What am I even saying? I awkwardly smile as he let go of Nat and looked up, determined. He pointed up at the largest roller coaster in the park before stealing my lines.

"Avengers Assemble." 

"What, no! I'm lucky I didn't throw up on the last one!" Bruce exclaimed.

"What the heck, Bruce! You ruined the dramatic moment!" Bucky crossed his arms in disappointment.

"Yeah, now the chapter won't end on a satisfying line that leads to the next chapter!" Tony objected, waving his arms. The group looked at Tony, confused. Tony looked straight at the reader.

"The chapter is over now, you can leave."

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