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"Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good." Peter looks at his arms and then up at me.

"You're alright," I say, denying that Thanos had done it, that he was wiping half of the universe. Stephen had already disappeared, I couldn't lose Peter, he was the closest thing I had to a son.

"I don't... I don't know what's happening." Peter staggered forward and fell into my arms. No, no, no, no, no. Peter held onto me as I steadied him. Peter never should have come, a 15-year-old should never have to face this trauma. I could feel his hands turning to dust on my back.

"I don't wanna go.... I don't wanna go! Mr. Stark, please!" I could hear the fear in his voice as he softly sobbed into my shoulder. He gripped onto me harder. "Please, please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go." His tears grew louder as he panicked and became weaker. He fell to the floor as I kept my hand on his shoulder, his arms slowly turning to dust. He looked up at me and at that moment my heart shattered. We had let him win... Thanos won, and he took everything that I loved with him. Peter's two last words were barely audible but I heard them clearly. It felt like we were the only ones there, on that planet.

"I'm sorry."

"BOSS!" I woke up with red eyes and tears on my face. Shit... I fell asleep. I got up and wiped off my face.

"FRIDAY, how long have I been sleeping?"

"4 hours, the time is 5:46 am." Most of the Avengers would still be sleeping right now. I heard I ping coming from my phone.

ScienceBro: You up?

ScienceBro: Wait, I forgot you don't sleep :|

IronDude: >:(

ScienceBro: How's it goin with the sorcerer supreme? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

IronDude: Idk, I'm not in the room

ScienceBro: wat

IronDude: I didn't wanna bother him

ScienceBro: gayyyyyyyy

IronDude: >:(

ScienceBro: >:)

ScienceBro: where r u then

IronDude: somewhere you'll never find

ScienceBro: tracked ur phone

IronDude: shit

"I thought you were gonna relax on this trip, not bring a whole lab with you so you could do more work." I turn around to see Bruce behind me. That was a mistake. One look at my blotchy, red eyes and his face fell. "Again?"

"I fell asleep."

"Tony, you gotta stop these somehow. Look at yourself, you can't take these any longer!"

"WELL, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT!" I snapped. I saw Bruce's neck turn a little green before returning to normal color. "I'm such a burden. I can't even enjoy a vacation."

"You can tell other people, we can help you!" I stayed silent went back to working on my suit.

"Boss, it appears the rest of the team is awake, getting breakfast." This early? What the heck.

"Hi, FRIDAY!" Bruce looked up at the ceiling.

"Hello, Dr.Banner."

"Bruce, let's go."


- - -

"Did you guys wake up late?" I heard Natasha say as we entered the room.

"HA! I woke up before you guys!" Clint excitedly exclaimed. He's not exactly the early bird type.

"Well, good morning to you," Bruce grumbled as he walked over to get a cup of coffee.

"I taught Thor how to make omelets!" Steve excitedly announced from the kitchen.

"I HAVE MADE A MIDGARDIAN EGG TACO!" I chuckled and took an omelet from the table, where Stephen was conveniently seated. I ate my omelet, hoping he didn't notice the massive bags under my eyes. He looked up at me and smiled. Tony.exe has stopped working. I smiled back and decided to get another cup of coffee.

"So, what's up with you and the wizard?" I jumped startled and turned to see Nat standing behind me.

"Ha, I don't know what you're talking about, me and Stephen are just work friends."

"It doesn't take a spy to see that there's something more going on between you two." I groaned, trying to run away from the conversation.

"Okay, Nat, you can believe your little fantasy ship if you want, but I'm never going to be with him anyway." I walked back to the table where now most of the group was seated.

"I was thinking today we could head to the beach, you know, relax some more, have some fun." Steve probably planned out this whole trip to be some team bonding shit.

"Whatever, that works."

"Yeah, seems good."

"Well, pack up, guys, WE'RE GOING TO DA BEACH!"

Now I have some time to relax and forget about that dream.

- - -

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