i'm sorry(Colby) part 2

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" Hey calm down Y/N, you have to calm down." Colby said as he held my hand. He pulled me up and I instantly fell into his arms and cried."shhhhh" He said as he stoked my hair. 

I felt as he pulled my leg around my waist so I pulled my body up so he was carrying me. He walked off stage with me and into my dressing room.

He sat down on the couch and started whispering sweet things to me.

"i-i-i-i" I took a breath. "i' so s-sorry. please, please forgive me. please." I cried into his shoulder.

"I still love you." He whispered. I looked up at him and leaned in. I felt as he closed the space between us and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back.

he pulled away and smiled." i missed you." He sighed.

"me too." I said and leaned my head on his shoulder.


I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see I was still on Colby. I smiled at him and he returned it.

"Go get changed, I'll bring you to the house and maybe.... cuddle?" He said hopefully. I nodded eagerly and got up to get changed. Colby threw his hoodie at me and I caught it. I walked to the bathroom and got changed.(outfit above) 

I walked out and  over to Colby. I took his beanie from his head and slipped it on me smiling.

 I took his beanie from his head and slipped it on me smiling

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I took my hair out and left the mascara under my eyes there.I went over to colby and let him hold my hand. I smiled and walked to his car with him. I texted Jake asking him to bring my car to the house.

After we got to the house I was asleep.

~~Colby POV~~

I walked to the passenger side of my car and opened the door. Y/N was sleeping and looked so peaceful. I smiled happy to have her back and picked her up and shut the door with my butt. 

I walked in to see Jake on the steps. 

"you made up?" Jake asked smiling. I nodded and smiled.

"damn, thank god. now I won't have to deal with both of your miserable asses" He said relieved. I smirked and took her upstairs. I laid her in my bed and hopped in next to her.

She rolled over and laid her head under my chin.

"I love you" she mumbled.

I smiled."I love you too." I kissed her head and started to drift to sleep.


A/N: Hey sorry I haven't written for a while but I have been busy and have had writers block but I finally decided to just sit down and think of ideas which made me want to write so here I am. I will try to update tomorrow but ill have some school stuff to do such as finals and stuff all week but i'll try my hardest :3

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