Chapter 2

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Tom stood outside of the school, waiting for Harrison. Tom was started to like Harrison, he was nice, funny, and really attractive.

Lost in his thoughts, Tom didn't notice Harrison approaching him from behind.

Harrison crept up behind Tom. Once he was close enough, he grabbed both of Tom's arms.

"Boo!" Harrison yelled, making Tom yelp and quickly turn around.

"Oh my god, Haz, don't ever do that again!" Tom said laughing, lightly punching Harrison's arm.

"Wait, Haz?" Harrison asked, smiling at how cute and unique the nickname was.

"Oh, uh, it's just the nickname I gave you. If you don't like it and want me to call you Harrison or something else, I can. Sorry, I-"

"Hey, it's alright," Haz smiled, "I like it, it's cute."

Tom's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, "Okay, cool."

"Yeah," Haz said, putting an arm around Tom, "let's go to the café now, I'm hungry."

Tom felt the same electric shock feeling that he did from earlier that morning, and he wasn't going to lie, he loved it. It was new to him, but he liked it. He wondered if he liked Haz. He'd never felt this way around another guy before, and he was perfectly okay with liking him since he is gay. Only Tom and his ex-best friend know he's gay, and he preferred to keep it that way. Plus, Tom thought Haz was attractive, and dare he say hot.

"Okay, lead the way!" Tom replied.


Tom and Haz walked through the café doors, instantly being hit with the smells of sweets, coffee, tea, and other unidentified nice food smells. Tom looked toward the café sign that said the place was called Eleanor's Café. Both boys made their way to the front counter to order themselves some things.

Tom ordered a French vanilla hot chocolate while Haz got a plain, regular coffee and four c/*hocolate biscuits. While the boys waited, Tom looked around the café, taking in the cozy feeling of the place. The whole store had a vintage and plant aesthetic. The front of the store had various small and long tables with little plants on each of them, pictures of different pastries on every wall. The back of the store had more of a homey feeling with couches and single person chairs surrounding small coffee tables with little plants on them. The walls were half bookshelf, a half wall with books in every bookshelf, and more pastry, coffee, and tea pictures on the walls.

The boys' food was finally ready for them to take. Tom pulled out his wallet to pay, but Haz stopped him.

"It's okay Tom, I'm paying." Haz said.

"Are you sure? Because I can pay for my things if you want." Tom asked, nervous that Haz might feel like he has to pay for him.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure. I invited you out, so I can pay." Harrison assured Tom, smiling.

Tom stuffed his wallet in his pocket and helped carry their things to the back of the café, where both boys decided to sit in a tan colored loveseat.

Haz wanted to get to know Tom. After seeing Tom on the first day of school, he instantly noticed how cute and attractive Tom was. After a few days, he finally realized that he was crushing on Tom and wanted to get to know him better. He talked to his friend Brittaney about it, and she convinced him to wait and see if and who he was going to get to know or befriend. After figuring out that he didn't know anyone, Haz immediately took his chance to get to know him. You see, Haz is gay, but only his best friend Brittaney knows about him being gay. He's happy with his secret being between him and his best friend.

Haz decided that he was going to try and get to know Tom as much as he could while he was still with him. So far, he thought he was a nice and shy person. He liked Tom's shyness, he thought it was cute.

"So," Haz began, "do you play any sports?"

Tom put down his drink, nearly choking on it, "Ah, sorry. Um, well I used to play football. That's about it."

"Oh cool, I used to play football too, for the school actually. Did you like it?" Haz asked.

'Y-yeah, I loved it," Tom replied, "sorry if I'm quiet or don't talk much, I kind of have, um, social anxiety." Tom said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, it's okay. Everyone gets a little nervous and anxious when meeting new people. Do you have any friends around here?" Haz replied.

"Um, no actually. I used to have friends back at my old school, but since we don't see each other anymore we don't really talk anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You know what," Haz asked, making Tom look into his eyes, making Haz lose his breath, he never realized how amazing and beautiful Tom's eyes were, as cheesy as it sounds, "Uh...sorry, um, oh yeah, if it's okay with you, I can be your first friend here! No, best friend!" Haz exclaimed.

Tom giggled seeing the boy look all excited like a young child. Tom liked the idea of being friends with Haz, he really liked him, maybe a little too much, but he didn't mind.

Tom hummed, "I think I'd quite like that." Tom said, his face heating up.

"Great!" Haz said, pulling Tom in for a hug. He knew he was probably, okay, most likely overdoing it, but he really just wanted to hug Tom, and he was glad that he did. Tom was small, soft, adorable. Plus he thought he smelt good.

Haz pulled away from Tom after a second, "Sorry, I'm kind of a hugger."

"It's cool, I am too, so it's all good," Tom replied.

Both boys began to talk about anything and everything from their favorite colors, superheroes, what they liked to do, and little things about themselves.

After a while of talking, both boys decided to leave, walking home in the same direction.

Both boys didn't live far from their school, so it only took them about fifteen minutes to walk home. Tom and Haz were both surprised when they learned that they lived right next to each other.

"Huh, that's weird. I wonder how I never noticed we were neighbors." Haz said laughing.

"Yeah, I never really go outside much so that's probably why," Tom replied, joining Haz in laughing.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow Tom. Do you walk to school?" Haz asked.

"Yeah since I don't live far I don't care to drive there. I like walking." Tom said, smiling at Haz.

"Oh cool, would it be okay if I met you out here? Say like, seven-fifteen?" Haz replied, hoping he'd be able to walk to school with Tom. With Tom, he felt this unexplainable bond that he'd never had with anyone else before. He felt like he'd known him for a long time, even though he only technically met him today for the first time. Little did he know, Tom also felt the same way, so he politely accepted his new friend's invitation.

Both boys hugged and exchanged phone numbers before walking to their houses, waving at each other for a final time while entering their homes.

Tom shut the door behind him and leaned upon it, smiling and sighing as he replayed the memories of Haz's and his conversations that they shared. He realized that they had a lot in common and that they got along together really well. He hoped that he'd be able to see Haz a lot more in the future.

"Hey honey," Tom's mother walked in with a tea kettle in her hands, "how are you and how was your first day of school?" She asked him, smiling at how happy her son looked. It'd been a long time since she'd seen her son like this.

"Today was actually really amazing," Tom replied smiling.

"Aw, well I'm glad to hear that," Tom's mother said, smiling at how happy to hear a change in the news, "want to come to help me make dinner? I was just about to put some tea for when we work." She asked.

"Yeah, coming!" Tom replied, laying his bag down next to the front door before running into the kitchen to help his mother.

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