Chapter 6

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A/N: I've finally updated! I'm sorry that it took so long, I just have a lot of life going on :)

(Haz's POV)

"Okay...Tom, truth or dare?" Britt asked. Tom looked up with a piece of pizza hanging out of his mouth, God did he look adorable.

"Um, I guess truth," Tom replied.

"Wow, you two are no fun. Do you have a secret that nobody knows about?" Britt asked slyly.

I knew where she was going with this, or at least I think I do since she's always up to something.

"Okay! Does anyone want any more snacks, drinks, anything?" I asked.

Britt gave me a look while staring between Tom and me.

Tom smiled, his smile is so cute when he does he shows his perfect white teeth and his eyes crinkle at the sides. He's just literally so perfect, but how could a boy like him ever want to want to be with a guy like me?

"Uh yeah, I do, but doesn't everybody?" Tom replied, trying his best to play off the question.

Britt hummed in response, staring at Tom like he was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Britt, do you want anything?" I asked again.

"Oh, no thanks, I think I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight boys!" Britt yelled, strutting out of the room to the guest room.

"Well, I guess you're sleeping with me Tom," I said.

"O-okay," Tom replied, looking down at his lap.

We both changed and eventually got into bed where we laid in silence for a short time before I finally worked up the courage to talk to Tom. Trust me when I say this, having your crush in the same bed as you are very, very stressful and nice at the same time.

"Hey Tom, you still awake?" I whispered.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Is it okay if I ask you some things?"

"Yeah, sure," he replied turning to face me as I did the same.

"Do you like anyone?" I asked, mentally facepalming.

Waiting for an answer, I stared into Tom's eyes while he was looking anywhere but I.

"Yeah, I-I think so. What about you, do you like anyone?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so too," I said, feeling unusually calm while staring into his eyes. Finally, he stared into mine, and can I just say, he has the most beautiful dark brown eyes.

"And, how did you know that you were, you know..."



Tom looked down at his arm for a few seconds, before finally looking up and speaking, "About two years ago I started realizing that I didn't like the girl in the way that all my friends did. I never liked to hear about the private talks about women that all my friends had with eachother. Eventually, a girl showed interest in me and tried to show me that, going as far as to ask me out, but I realized that I didn't like the idea of being her being my girlfriend. I knew about g-ay people at the time and I started to realize that I might be gay. Of course, I didn't take that easily and over time I started doing a lot of things that I shouldn't have and even prayed that it would go away. A couple of years later, my best friend, well, ex-best friend, got me to tell her. She didn't like the idea of me being, you know, but she supported me anyway and tried her best to accept it and didn't tell anyone. Eventually, she moved away and I haven't heard from her since. Sometimes I wonder if she's okay wherever she's at. She really helped me in my life," Tom sighed.

"I'm sorry," Tom huffed, "I didn't mean to make that so long or sad."

"It's perfectly fine, I enjoyed it," I answered truthfully.

"Have you ever questioned yourself? Like, with your sexuality?" Tom asked.

How am I supposed to answer a question like that to him? I don't want to say yes and have him think I like him, which then would make him think I'm weird and then he'd never want to be friends ever again. I seriously don't want to lose him, I feel like he's one of those people that others say you should never lose. He's just so amazing, wait, get back on topic. I guess I could tell him, after all, he's told me quite a few of his secrets.

"Um, yeah. I have," I replied truthfully. I knew I was gay, but that doesn't mean that I didn't question if I was gay when I thought I was straight. If I didn't question it I probably wouldn't know that I'm actually gay.

"Cool," Tom replied, "are you LGBTQ+?" He asked.

What is this boy trying to do, kill me? I don't want to tell him, but I also do. I mean, he told me that he was gay, well he was more outed than anything, so why can't I tell him about me too? What is preventing me from telling him? He's open about that stuff so I know he'd accept me. I just don't think I can, at least not now.

I hesitated before telling him, "I am, but I don't want to tell you what I am. At least not right now, but in the future," I finally said.

"Okay," he replied.

We laid, staring into each other's eyes for what felt like forever after our little conversations. It was peaceful and amazing, I wish we could stay like this forever. I also wish that I was holding him right now, stroking his hair, rubbing his arm, or even just listening to his quiet breathing. Tom is truly an amazing and beautiful person. I love his personality and how caring and shy he is. I want to know everything about him like who he was before I met him, his favorite color, favorite food, favorite places in the world and once I learn that I want to take him there, just the two of us.

"Hey, Haz?" Tom whispered.

"Yes?" I asked just as softly.

"Thank you for being my friend and accepting me," he whispered, moving closer to me and wrapping an arm around me.

"Of course, no problem. You're a very good person Tom and I like you a lot, and what kind of person would I be to not accept you? You're amazing!" I said, wrapping my arms around him.

"You're amazing too Haz, super amazing," Tom said.

We stayed like that, hugging each other, for a few moments until I heard light snores, so light he sounded like a kitten, coming from Tom.

I asked if he was awake, only to get no response. Not wanting to wake him up I held him closer to me, loving the smaller boy being in my arms. I kissed his head, seeing as he was asleep and wouldn't realize it. His hair smelt like vanilla, both peaceful and lovely.

I knew I was falling too hard for him. I shouldn't since he'd never want to be with me anyway. He probably doesn't even like me in that way at all, but a little lov-, I mean liking, wouldn't hurt, right?

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