Chapter 4

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(Language Warning)

"Hello? Earth to Tom." Harrison said, snapping in front of his face.

Tom blinked and shook his head, ripping his eyes away from a certain blonde haired girl who just walked into his Biology class.

"Sorry, what was it?" Tom sheepishly asked.

"I said I had an off-topic question, what do you think about gay people?"

Tom panicked, wondering if he figured out his secret. He didn't know how to respond, he had a fifty-fifty chance that he would lose his new best friend, so he decided to answer slightly honestly.

"Well, I-"

"Oh my gosh, Tom is that you?" A girl interrupted him with a loud voice, "I see you still haven't changed a bit. I would've thought you were dead by now, or at least you still weren't practically eye-raping guys. Nice to see you're still the same stupid fag that I knew back at Longbow. How pathetic." The girl said bitterly.

Tears threatened to fall from Tom's eyes as his vision became blurry before anyone had time to react, Tom shot from his seat and quickly walked out of class.

Haz was stunned, he didn't even know this girl and he already hated her for making Tom so upset that he had to leave the classroom. Haz grabbed his and Tom's things and calmly walked up to the girl.

He stepped right in front of her and stared her in the eyes with nothing but rage in the taller boy's.

"If you ever call my friend that again, I promise you'll regret it." Haz said terrifyingly calm.

The girl smirked and stared at him with an equal amount of hate, she whispered back to Haz "What are you defending? His life means nothing compared to mine, all he is is a stupid fag who stole-" and as soon as she said that, Haz punched her in the face, making her fall to the ground.

Haz shook his hand before walking off to find Tom. He stopped at the door before looking back to the girl, "Next time, don't be a homophobic piece of trash, maybe then we'll get along, I'm also slightly sorry about the punch," he said, leaving the girl behind.

Finally, he found Tom in the bathroom, right as the bell rang, signaling that they were late.

Haz walked into the bathroom, hearing the whimpers that came from Tom. He walked to the farthest stall in the bathroom, setting his and Tom's bags down on the wall beside him. He softly knocked on the stall door, "Tom? Hey, could you please open the door?" After a few seconds, the click of the lock being undone sounded. Haz gently pushed the door open, seeing a red-eyed and faced Tom. He turned and shut the door, locking hit before sitting next to Tom. Both boys sat leaning their backs against the wall cold tile wall.

Haz wrapped an arm around Tom and pulled him towards him. Tom buried his head into Haz'schest, quietly whimpering. The two sat like this for about five minutes before Haz finally spoke.

"Do you want to explain to me what happened out there?" Haz asked quietly, almost whispering, careful not to scare the small boy in his grasp.

"N-no, not r-really," Tom replied shaking.

Haz wrapped his other arm around the crying boy so now he was holding him.

Tom felt calm in Haz's embrace, he felt shocks throughout his entire body, and he loved it.

"Does it have to do with you?" Haz questioned.

Tom hesitantly nodded.

"Is it something that you're afraid I'll hate you for if I found out?" Haz pressed.

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