Chapter 7

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(Warning: Slight graphic violence)

(Tom's POV)

I opened my eyes to the beautiful and warm sunshine. Everything felt perfect until the memories of last night flooded my mind.

I opened my eyes, feeling safe with strong arms holding close to a strong chest. I looked over and Haz laid with me, looking as beautiful as ever with his perfect face and beautiful dirty blonde hair. How did I get so lucky? To have him as my boyfriend is heaven. I looked away and saw a shadow person at the end of the bed. I couldn't make out anything on the person but I could see their dark black figure. I stared in fear as I shook Haz awake.

"Hey, Tom," he stopped as soon as he saw the fear on my face, "hey, what's wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?"

He turned his vision on where I was looking, face filling with fear as he saw the shadowed person. Suddenly, the figure walked over to Haz's side of the bed and pulled off the hood they were wearing.

It was Veronica.

"Hey Tommy, is this you're new boyfriend? Hm, I guess me humiliating you in front of a whole class of kids wasn't enough to fix you," she giggled, "Maybe I can finally fix you and get payback on you for stealing my boyfriend! It's like a two in one! What a perfect deal!"

"Veronica," I began, "I didn't steal your boyfriend!"

"You keep saying that, yet it's all a lie. Just like your life," she said.

As soon as she finished talking, she pulled a knife from her back and drove it into Haz's chest. I screamed and lunged at her. She lifted her hand and threw me to a wall. I got back up and ran over to Haz as she opened the window.

"See you soon, Tommy," she said cheerily, blowing a kiss as she jumped out the window.

I looked over Haz and noticed he had blood all over his chest. He started gasping for air as blood dripped from his mouth.

"Haz, baby, please. I don't want you to go. I don't want you to go! Haz, please, I don't want you to go," I said crying, brushing the hair away that had fallen on his face.

He grabbed my hand and said, "You...could"

With that his head fell to the side, my cries growing louder and echoing off the walls of the room.

I sat straight up in the pitch black room, screaming. Haz immediately woke up and rolled over to face me quickly.

"Tom, are you okay, hey, what happened?" He asked grabbing my arms and staring into my eyes.

I didn't answer, I just grabbed onto him and squeezed him tightly against me. Was that all a nightmare? Thank God he's still here. I cried into his shoulder as he rubbed my back, whispering calming things in my ear.

"Hey, why don't we lay down, and go back to sleep, yeah?" Haz whispered.

I hesitantly nodded into his shoulder. Haz laid back down with me still in his arms. I laid my head on his chest, still silently crying. I could never forget what I saw in that horrible nightmare, it felt so real, so...scary.

"Do you want to maybe tell me what happened?" Haz asked me.

"I had a nightmare," I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're awake, fine, and with me now, that's all that matters."

"You don't get it Haz. I...I watched you die. I couldn't even try to save you, and I...I just."

"It's fine, Tom, it's fine. I'm here now and nothing can stop me from protecting you, understand that?" Haz said firmly, kissing my head.

The Sun Always Rises - A Torrison fanficWhere stories live. Discover now