Mission 2246

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"Agent Smith, what do we have here?"

"Five of their agents are 200 meters away from you, the entry to the bunker is 500 meters away. The best way is to shoot them as fast as you can. Then go inside and take the plans."


Pia Smith always worked at the SHIELD headquarters. Her job was to give people instructions and to keep a watch on the missions. For her, it was a big job since she only worked there for about two years but she handled it pretty well.

Currently, she was helping Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson to get to a bunker so they could steal plans for a rumored indestructible weapon. At first, everything seemed to work. Cap and Falcon made their way to the bunker but right after Cap entered it, the contact broke and Pia couldn't see them on the screen anymore. She only heard a loud crash.

"Hello, Rogers? Wilson? Can somebody hear me?"

She didn't get an answer. She tried everything to get the connection back but it didn't work.

"Can somebody hear me? Steve?"

Still no answer. The only thing she could hear was heavy breathing at the end of the line. At least she knew he lived. All of a sudden, Nick Fury walked into the room.

"What's going on here?"

"Looks like mission 2246 failed. We don't have any contact with Agent Rogers or Agent Wilson."

"Okay, it's your turn now."

"Mine?" Pia was surprised.

"Yes, yours. Agent Hill is unavailable. I'm gonna send a team to the jet and they will fly there with you so you can save their asses."

Pia couldn't believe it. She was picked to help them?

"Agent Smith. Did you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir. Your mission is accepted."

Pia made her way to the jet. She grabbed extra ammunitions and one of the black SHIELD jackets. Only five minutes later she was in the jet and on the way to Washington D.C. In the next 30 minutes, she tried to make contact with Steve or Sam again but she failed another time. Instead of trying it again, she prepared herself for the mission. She was so concentrated that she didn't even notice the presence of her ex-boyfriend Thomas Jay. When she saw him, she wasn't happy but she just blocked all of his attempts to talk to her. The time passed quickly. Soon the pilot told her, it would only take them ten minutes to get to the location.

"Fly us as near as possible to the bunker...or at least what's left of it. That we attract publicity isn't important now. We need to save Rogers and Wilson."

Then she turned to her team.

"One of you stays here with the pilots, Agent Jay comes with me to check everything out. The rest of you shoots possible attackers. Okay, let's go."

Shortly afterward the jet stopped a few meters away from the debris. Pia and agent Jay got out of the jet and hid behind a house. There weren't any attackers but Pia had a bad feeling.

"Thomas, I think Steve and Sam are under these rocks."

"Okay, first of all, call me Jay, just like you always did. And how do you want to help them? These rocks look pretty heavy."

"You always say, that you're so strong. Now's the right time to prove that."

She got out of their hiding place and slowly walked to the debris. But just before she reached it, someone shot at her.

"Jay! Lie down!"

"Where's the fucking team when you need it?"

At that very moment, the team reached the place and shot the attackers. Agent Jay and Pia took the opportunity and looked for Sam and Steve. But they didn't find anyone for a long time.

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