Chapter16- Date

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Chanel's dress ^^^^^

-3 months later- 10 May 2013 ~ Malibu

*Chanel's P.O.V*

So, Justin has finished his Believe Tour. In Melbourne, he asked me if I wanted to live with him. Me, so in love with him, said yes. So here we are, living together in Malibu.

"Good morning babe." I hear Justin's sexy morning voice as I turn my head towards him.

"Morning." I say as I peck his lips and stretch my arms. Justin wraps his arms around my waist and starts kissing down my neck. I start giggling and push him away.

"Justin, stop!" I laugh.

"Why? You know you love it!"

"Pfft. Sure, sure." I roll my eyes as I push him away from me.


"Yeah?" I turn my head towards Justin and rest my hand on his cheek. He pulled me closer so our bodies were touching as he cuddled me.

"I was thinking, um, we out for lunch? We need to talk."

As he said we need to talk, I kinda started to panic. Is he breaking up with me? Am I not good enough for him?

"Uh, why? Is something wrong?"

"No! No, It's just, you know I love you and I just need to talk to you."

"Why can't you talk to me here?"

"Because, I-I need to talk to you where were not in a bed, just woken up and what I need to say is important."

"OK babe" I kisses his cute nose and cuddled into his side. "What's the time?" I yawned.

"7:46am. I want you ready by 10, alright babe?" I nodded and kissed his arm.


As I got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped into my bedroom. I took the towel off and put on my matching bra and underwear. As I was about to put on my dress, Justin walks into the room.

"Wow! Nice body babe."

"Uh, thanks. C-Can you leave so I can get dressed?" I gripped the dress tightly trying to cover my body. Justin came closer, grabbed the dress and threw it on the bed, then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Chanel, baby, you don't need to cover your body from me. Your perfect just the way you are. Nobody compares to you." As Justin said that, I blushed and hid my face in his shoulder.

"Okay, you put on your dress and I'll wait downstairs." He says as I nod. I lean up and kiss him on the cheek as he leaves the room.

I grab the dress and slip it on. It fits perfectly and I love it. I walk over to the bathroom and grab my make-up bag. Justin doesn't like it when I wear mak-up. He says I don't need and that I'm naturally beautiful. I quickly apply my foundation, then liquid eyeliner, fake eyelashes, mascara and lip gloss. I quickly straighten my hair and put it in a high ponytail.

"Babe, you ready yet?" Justin yells from downstairs.

"Nearly!" I yell back. I go into mine an Justin's closet and find the shoes I was looking for and slip them on. I grab my phone off the bedside table and make my way down the stairs. I see Justin sitting on the couch watching the news about him and those stupid rumours. He hears me coming down the stairs and looks my way.

"Wow, I-I, um," He stutters as I giggle. He stands up walks toward me. He places his hand on my waist and the other on my lower back. He pulls me closer to him and pecks my lips softly.

"You look beautiful, I'm speechless. But you don't need all that make-up babe." I smile and look away.

"Hey," he grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "Don't let anyone tell you different, your beautiful in every way possible." I blush and kiss his nose.

"So, your ready?" He asks. I look at him and raise my eyebrow. He chuckles.

"Of course your ready, come on, let's go." He grabs my hand an leads me to his car.


When we get to the restaurant, we go inside and the waiter leads us to a table. I sit in front of Justin as he grabs my hand and clears his throat.

"So, your needed to talk?" I say as I start to get worried. He nods his head.

"Chanel, you know I love you and-"

"Your not breaking up with me are you?" I quickly say cutting him off. his eyes widen.

"God no. I would never, ever, ever, ever leave you again. It broke my heart. I can't live without you." I just nod.

"So, back to what I was saying before you interuppted. You know I love you and I can't seem to live without you. I've always wanted a family and wanted to wait until I find The One. But I think I've found her, no, I know I've found her. Thats you baby girl. Your the one for me, my other half, the only reason I stay strong and keep going, the reason I breathe. I need you so much and I love you so much, Chanel baby, would you like to do the honours of being Mrs Bieber? The mother of my children. baby, Will You Marry Me?"

Once he's finished his speech, I got nothing to say, I don't know what to say. All i do is nod my head as tears start falling from my eyes. He pulls a diamond ring out from his pocket and slips it on my finger. He leans closer and kisses my lips twice.

"I love you so much, baby girl." he says.

"I love you too."

We grab our menus and start ordering our food. Once we're finished, Justin pays and we exit the resturant.


As Justin pulls up the driveway of our house, I get a message.

From: Unknown

U better watch ur back. Cuz I'm watchin ur every move an im gonna get u

I lock my phone and get out of the car. Justin grabs my hand and asks if I'm alright. I just nod my head and kiss his lips. We go inside our house and I lay on the couch. I hear chuckle as he walks away. I close my eyes and a few minutes later, I've fallen asleep.


So.... How was it? Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm really sick and I'll try and make it up for you.

But don't forget to follow me 😊



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Love yous! 😘
~ Jess ✌️💁

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