Dance Until You Can't

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Adele finished her song and I pulled Violeta closer for a split second before letting go of her curvaceous body. Big chocolate eyes look at me and I'm lost again.

"She's my favorite!" Violeta grins as we clap.

"I can introduce you." I whisper over the crowd against her ear and her jaw drops.

"Really?" She asks, the excitement in her voice and eyes is enough of a recompense.

"Of course."

She jumps up excited and suddenly her arms wrap around my neck and I hug her body close to mine. Full breasts against my chest, hips pressed into mine...

Oh shit...

"Thank you so much!" Her soprano voice thanked me and I stifled a groan as her body slid down and away from mine.

This is so much more than I bargained for. She's my muse, ever since she wrote "Blues Whispers", it seemed that she had a power over me. Her look on one of the many images I had searched under gave me the impression that she didn't like the dresses she wore before. It dimmed her light.

Ever since then I haven't stopped designing clothes for women her size. I follow the lines of her body and see the perfect figure. The perfect figure to design and create on.

"Seriously, though," She steps closer and my heart drums loudly again. "This means so much to me." She shakes her head and sniffles.

"Whoa..." I take her face in my hands and wipe under her eyes. "I didn't mean to make you cry, Belleza."

"It's just that-" She sniffles and then giggles.

"Here." I take out my blue silk handkerchief and hand it to her.

She takes it and giggles again.

"It's just that no one has ever done something like that for me." She smiles and my arms wrap around her and pull her close.

"Maybe I'll be able to do more 'somethings' like that." I whisper mostly to myself as I tuck her body closer.

"Yeah?" She asks and I shrug.

"It makes me happy that it makes you happy." I say like an idiot.

"Stop it!" She giggles and I chuckle in return as another song begins.

"Another dance?" I ask her and her eyes shimmer before she smiles a dazzling smile.

"Excuse me." I feel a tap on my shoulder and I instinctively tighten my arm around Violeta's waist.

"You are excused." I say curtly but coldly as I look into the green eyes of Solano Maybe.

"Was wondering if I could have the next dance?" He grins and has the decency to blush as he looks at Violeta up and down coyly.

Pinche guey.

"Oh..." Violetas trails off and they both look at me. "I came with Jimmy, sorry."

Thank God!

"It's not to say that you can't dance with someone else." He smiles but I see a smirk.

"I'll dance with you!" Mrs.Maybe suddenly appears and Solano grins and Violeta is inclined.

"Of course." I'm saying and Mrs.Maybe takes my hand.

"Shall we?" Solano holds his hand out and I see Violeta take it slowly and he whisks her away.

"I should tell you that I have my concerns." Mrs.Maybe begins as I lead her around the dance floor with as much ease and precision as my mother taught me.

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