Not Alone

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The instant connection sometimes is what holds a relationship together. But sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes one has to take advantage of the connection and build upon it. Sometimes, the connection between two people fades and then the possibility to rebuild is born.


The room was quiet but Jimmy felt the thundering beat of his heart as he looked at the girl on the bed with bandages wrapped around her head as if keeping it together.

Violeta has been unconscious for the past two hours since the accident and it was becoming increasingly harder to leave her alone.

"Sir, " Fred knocked on the door before walking in. "Miss Hernandez has visitors." He barely finished when Andrea Maybe rushed in with watery eyes followed by an angry Solano.

"Oh, my poor girl!" Andrea cried holding the girl's hand and fussing over her, not once paying attention to Jimmy. "How did this happen?" She finally turned to him with anger in her eyes. "Who did this?" She demanded and Jimmy sighed standing with his wrist bandaged and in a cast.

"We were t-boned by a truck." Jimmy replied not being able to handle the accusation that this was all his fault in the older woman's eyes.

Solano looked down from his unwavering gaze to the girl on the bed, so helpless and gone and it was all Jimmy's fault.

"If it wasn't for your bullshit, " Solano takes a step towards Jimmy brows furrowed as his vision zeros in on him, Fred is there and ready. "Violeta would be okay and safe!" Solano felt the anger rise from deep within.

Violet would be better off with him than Jimmy.

Jimmy stays silent, feeling the gravity of the guilt in his gut. If Solano wanted to punch him he would have let him but since he has no right and is no one to Violeta, Jimmy didn't give a fuck about the guy in front of him.

"This is all your fault!" Solano almost shouted and Andrea stood in front of him.

"This is not the time or place, my son." She spoke loudly yet softly. "We can only hope Violeta gets better." Solano stays put, eyes dark as they hold Jimmy's who is perfectly still and ready to strike the younger man.

If Fred doesn't get to him first.

"Come on." Andrea pulled Solano out of the room and Fred followed while Jimmy stayed put. "I need to speak with you." Andrea announced stepping back into the room.

Jimmy licked his lips in anticipation and watched the woman sitting at the foot of Violeta's bed. Her eyes worried and watery as she looked at Violeta.

"When I first met her, " She begins clearing her throat and wiping under her eyes. "She was such a frail girl yet so strong and independent."

Andrea remembers the recital and how well Violeta played that day.

Jimmy listened and nodded for her to continue.

"I have always wanted a daughter and it's like God sent her to me." She smiles and blinks back tears. "So, you see, " Her hands are in her lap as she leans closer to Jimmy. "She is in many ways a daughter to me."

"I understand." Jimmy says and nods looking at the unconscious girl.

"Do you?" Her big green eyes held the question he didn't want to answer. "Because if you do, " She leans in closer and it's hard for Jimmy to look into her eyes. "You wouldn't keep her in a position where she can get hurt." Her tone is so final that Jimmy feels like it's a done deal but as he looks back at Violeta, he finds that there is no way he will give up on her.

"I understand what you're saying but I-" Jimmy looked at Violeta and always thought his next words would be spoken only to her but now he has to come clean. "I love her."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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