My World

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"You have twenty minutes to get me what I need or your little one dies." I aim the gun at the fourteen year old boy's head and turn to his mother as she taps away on the computer's touchscreen.

"I'm trying but the configurations of the security block system keeps changing them!" The brunette woman wails as she types frantically. "I need more than twenty minutes to come up with an algorithm to match this and then counteract it!" She turns to me with pleading eyes and I nodded bringing the gun down.

"You have an hour." I announce and leave.

In one hour I'll be able to get the coordinates for Area fifty five. Then I'll be able to get what I need for the antidote.

One hour.


Ten hours earlier.

"The fourteen year old boy was reported missing yesterday after his mother couldn't find him anywhere." Timothy Bolton, Sargent of the LAPD's Missing Persons Department, announces as he showed the picture of the boy on the large screen behind him. "As it turns out," He clicked a small remote that changed the picture behind him to that of an older woman with the same eyes as the boy. "The mother was onto something and was last seen on the outskirts of Beverly Hills near an abandoned mansion at the south end of town."

Every detective and cop in the precinct's morning shift sat looking at the picture of the woman. And I scowl.

"She is now considered as abducted along with her son." I announce. "She was on the right path," I take my files and hold them under my arm. "Let's follow it."

"Sargent Bolton?" I turn to the thick beautiful voice and hold in my smile as I look into the dark blue eyes through the thick purple glasses that contrast her olive skin tone.

"How can I help you, Detective Arnold?"

She smiles and then the whole room disappears and she shakes her head and looks down at her papers and clears her throat. The room and those around us are back and I straighten my back.


"Sorry," She sighs looking up and gives me an exasperated smile. "It's been a crazy morning." She says and we continue to walk out of the meeting room and into the bullpen before I lead us to my  office.

"I heard you detained two armed robbers at the cafe near the boulevard." I smile this time and she closes the door behind her as I take my seat behind my desk.

"Yes," She sighs taking a seat and looks down again at her file in hand but I can see the blush flush her cheeks. "I actually wanted to show you something," She stands and hands me the paper. "The mansion that seems to be your target I believe is not the location of where both mother and son are at but a location to lure her in."

I wait for her to give me more.

"I think that whoever abducted them was after the mom and not her son."

I stand and head to Captain Riley's office. "Come with me." I say and she follows suit.

"Captain?" I knock on his door and wait.

"Come in!" I hear his horse voice and enter his office with Detective Arnold in tow.

"Show him what you showed me." I say.

She delivers her spiel and I listen carefully before putting my two cents in.

"Thank you for your help, detective." I turn to her. "I need a minute with the Captain." She nods quickly and leaves closing the door behind her.

"Don't look at me like that!" He snaps and I roll my eyes.

"You know her." I state calmly and he looks away.

"I knew her." He corrects and shrugs. "I don't know how I can help." He shakes his head but the look in his eyes gives him away. "I mean," He stands and looks out the window to downtown LA. "She was an acquaintance at most." 

She was definitely more than an acquaintance.

"What did she do for a living then?" I ask and settle back in my seat.

"We were both still in college when I met her," He begins looking back at me with a small smile. "She was a biomedicine engineer with an internship at Keeper Labs."

Keeper Labs.

"Wasn't that the company that helped make the first transition of human organs into a robot?"

"Yeah," He sighs and sits down. "Then it all went to shit when someone decided to try to create a whole new life form altogether with the DNA left..." He sounds confused. "Something like that."

"Was she involved with that certain project?"

"She wouldn't shut up about it." He smiles remembering and then it disappears.

"Did she ever mention the names of any of those bodies that were donated to this?"

I can't even say the word. How can they think this would be a good idea?

"It's the FBI's case now." He shrugged and turned to his computer, his usual stoic expression back on. "That's all I know." He shrugged but I can tell it irks him. "Anything else Sargent?"

"No, thank you." I get up and leave.

I'm going to find out who did this one way or another. That woman, scientist, knows much more than her current job lead on. Keeper Labs was under government contract then, and they never found any robot for that matter either.

I don't have much time. The longer they're abducted, the longer she can be used for something other than research.

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