12 | Virgil

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I figured that while I'm here I might as well show the entire cast of the Hamilton production. There are certain characters that I had to give fake names due to them...not being human.

Alexander Hamilton: Roman Castillo

Aaron Burr: Danny Gonzalez

Elizabeth Schuyler: Virgil Jensen

Angelica Schuyler: Patton Valentine

John Laurens/Philip Hamilton: Zyler Hecksburgh

Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson: Drew Gooden

Hercules Mulligan/James Madison: John "Jack" Douglass

King George III: Julien Solomita

George Washington: "Marbles" Smith

Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds: Peach Solomita

Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor: Kermit Mourey

Samuel Seabury: Crusty Nygaard

Charles Lee: Benjamin Mazowita

George Eacker: Menchie Hecksburgh

Ensemble: Jenna Mourey, Safiya Nygaard, Cristine Rotenberg, Erin née Breslin, Klondike Douglass, Sundae Douglass, Tyler Williams, Mark Jackson, Jackson Marks, Ryland Adams, Morgan Adams, Garrett Watts, Drew Monson, Shane Lee Yaw

Crew: Highschool Staff, Logan Sanders, Nathan Castillo, Nicole Snowe, Rik McDarrel, Patricia Rodgers, George Wieners, Karen White, Veronica Heron

Chapter Twelve: Hot Topic
Virgil Jensen

Now, you may be wondering how I ended up leaving the next town over's mall's Hot Topic at 9pm on a Wednesday night, with Roman Castillo next to me. Well—it's kind of a funny story. Actually, no it's not.


Ms. Morris finally announced that, after just finishing Non-Stop for what seemed like the millionth time, it was time to go home. Hearing that announcement, I walked over to where my stuff was seated and started grabbing it, before feeling a hand touch my shoulder.


"Virgil, can I talk to you?" The person connected to the hand asked. I turned around and looked them in the face, just to find out that it was none other than Roman Castillo. I just narrowed my eyes a tad, finished collecting my things, and started storming out of the building. Roman, being as persistent as he was, followed, calling my name as he did.

I turned around and stared him in the face, "What do you want from me?! I thought I was weird? I thought I was overly nervous about everything? What happened to that?!"

"It was a lie, okay?!" He yelled back with just as much volume as I had used, "I only said that because I didn't want to admit to Patton that you're actually not that bad...but what I did was uncalled for. I could've handled it much better, I know. You don't deserve that, Virgil. I didn't get the chance to get to know you..."

If I'm being honest, that was not what I was expecting him to say. But it was somewhat appreciated, "...okay. But what about that gives you the right to be forgiven?"

"None of it. It was wrong. I'm really, really, really sorry, Virge..."

Something popped into my head just then, "And what will you do to prove that you're sorry?" A smirk spread across my lips as he slowly realized what I was getting at, after me giving him multiple hints.


And that is how I ended up here. Roman bought me a lot of stuff at the store, all to make up for what he had done. I didn't completely forgive him, but the free stuff was a good start, I suppose. After a while of walking through the parking lot, we realized that we had walked here and would have to walk back too. But the thing was...we were both tired.

"Well, that's certainly a conundrum, isn't it?" Roman asked with a smile after I had told him the situation. "My brother Ricky is most likely with some friends, Nathan's probably at work, my other three siblings aren't old enough to get a license, and my parents probably don't feel like coming out here to get us...oh, I have the perfect idea!"

Before I could even ask for him to explain, he already had his phone out and was calling somebody. Once he put his phone back down, a large grin was on his face, "Someone's coming to get us right now, my dear emo."

I rolled my eyes at his nickname and didn't bother to ask who he had called because, to be honest, I didn't care that much. I was too tired to.

About five minutes later, a blue Ford Focus pulled up in the mall parking lot and the passenger side window, the one facing Roman and Virgil, rolled down, revealing none other than Veronica Heron, "Get in, bitches, we're going home."

Roman let me sit in the front for some reason, which made the whole thing more awkward since he knew Veronica better than I did. But maybe that was his point—he wanted us to be closer. He knew how much of a chatterbox Veronica was, and he wanted me to be subjected to that.

"Do you like Chinese food?" She asked out of nowhere when we pulled out of the lot. I shook my head, "No, but the rest of my family loves it."

Without taking her eyes off the road, she went on, "Oh? You've never told us much about your family, Virgil. What are they like?" I could tell that she wasn't trying to pry at something, just trying to be nice, so I told her all I could.

"Well, I have two mothers, and while I know they love me they're a little harsh on us all...I have a little sister named Jeanette. I don't talk to her much because she has more of a social life than I'll ever have...and I also live with my grandparents. I don't talk to them much either...and they don't want to talk to me much. The only people in my family that I can trust aren't even people...they're my dog and my bird, Quak and Wil...they're the only things I really care about..." when I realized how much I had talked, I stopped myself. "I'm sorry for rambling."

"No, it's fine." Veronica assured me, "You can ramble all you want. This is a safe environment."

The whole ride home I told her a lot about myself, and yet still managed to leave out the details that I'd rather keep to myself. Once we made it to my house, I thanked her and jumped out with my Hot Topic stuff, and, not even talking to Roman, I walked to my door. But right when I was about to open it, I heard Roman say, using a megaphone, "Hey, aren't you gonna say thank you?"

"No." I yelled back at him.

"I'm not gonna let Veronica take me home until you say thank you."

I groaned, "Where'd you even get the megaphone?"

"It's Ronnie's. Say thank you!"

"Uggggghhhhh...thank you."

Roman smiled and put the device down, motioning for Veronica to start driving away. I just ignored what had just happened and turned back around, opening the door afterwards. My intention was to just go up to my room and pretend like I had been home all along—they never noticed me when I was there so it would work—but of course, that didn't work out.

"What're you doing home just now? Who was that that dropped you off?" Jeanette asked right when I walked in. I tried to ignore her and walk to my room, but she was persistent today, "What aren't you telling me, Virgil? Do you have a girlfriend or something?"

I quickly whipped around and stared her in the face, "Look—it's none of your business what I'm doing. You're just my sister—and not even my real sister at all—so you don't get to interrogate me. I need privacy, damnit!"



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