Childish feuds could turn to wars

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"So what if they had a fight, they're banging each other." Mika said with no shame. Ivy shrugged her shoulders and kept on walking. "It's still really weird. Florian was super mad last night, how come he suddenly changed his mind?" "Maybe you talked some sense into him last night. You were pretty strict." Ivy pushed her hands even deeper in her pockets. "I didn't mean to scare him...." She wanted to continue, but she was interrupted by a female voice yelling her name. "Hey Jones'! How you doing?" It was Isa, the last one they wanted to see right now. "Oh. Hi, Isa..." Ivy muttered. "What do you want?" Mika asked, quite serious. "You guys are coming to opening day right? The whole towns coming, so..." "Our parents aren't coming." Ivy said, slightly annoyed. "They are! I invited them on Facebook. They are coming, which means you two are coming as well! I gotta go now, but I'll see you this weekend!" Isa ran of and the Jones' just stood there, staring into the void. "I'm not going to that weird sixties shop. Never in my entire life." Mika said after what felt like an eternity of silence. "I don't trust them. I just don't. I know just the guy to find out some stuff for me."

Mika and Ivy walked down to the White Wirm. "Mika! Mika, are you crazy? If dad's in here, you're screwed." Ivy yelled as she pushed her sisters shoulder to stop her. "Don't worry, Serpents don't go here anymore. Not that often." Mika whispered. She kept on walking and opened the door. "There's al kinds of scum in here, but Ben's the worst." "Ben? Is he like a fellow Serpent?" Mika shook her head. "No... he's just somebody I know." The White Wirm was filled with all kinds of people. Serpents, just regular Southsiders and a few Northsiders who were probably related to a Serpent. Mika say down at a table in the far corner, Ivy just joined her. "Where's this Ben guy?" "He should be here any minute." The door opened and a boy, who seemed to be around 16 or 17 entered the bar. He ordered a can of beer and came sitting next to Ivy. He opened the can with a lot of noise and took one big gulp. "What is it you want from me now, skank?" He said, passing on the beer can to Mika. "I need your help. You know those new people in Town?" Ben nodded and then shook his head. "Work with me, asshole!" Mika screamed. "Yeah, I know them. Weird peeps, huh?" " Yeah, more than weird, I need you to find out as much as you can about these people." "I'd be happy to help, but everything has a price." "Serpents take care of their own." Ivy peeped in between. "Sorry, little mouse, but I aint no Serpent." Ivy frowned and then looked at Mika. "Then what are you?" she said as she pulled his leather jacket. On the back it had the Ghoulie logo. "That's it! I agreed to help you with finding someone, but no Ghoulies!" Ivy screamed as she got up and left the bar. "You're friends crazy up there." Ben said as he pointed his finger at his head. "That's my sister, you dickhead." Mika said as she left the bar as well.

Outside the bar, Ivy was pacing. "Ivy, look, I can explain..." Mika said as she walked towards her sister and placed her hand on Ivys shoulder. But Ivy smacked Mika's hand away and yelled: " A Ghoulie? For real? You don't know what you're doing, you don't know what they did!" Mika rubbed her hand to ease the pain from the smack it had received before and she frowned. "That's just childish feud, it's been going on for years..." "THEY ALMOST KILLED OUR FATHER!" Ivy yelled, clearly upset. "They cut off his Serpent tattoo. They beat him up and grandpa had to carry his what seemed like dead body to the hospital!" Mika got a weird feeling inside. She knew there was something going on between the Serpents and the Ghoulies, but she didn't see this coming. "How the fuck do you know all this shit?" She asked, trying to make a clear balance of power. "Doesn't matter. Here's what's gonna happen, if you convince me that Ghoulie-guy can be trusted, I'll help you." Mika shrugged her shoulders and nodded. "That's easy as fuck. Ben's a trustworthy guy."
Back at the bar, Ben was still sipping his beer and looking around when he noticed Mika walking back in. "So, what's it gonna be? I aint got al day." He barked at her. "How much do you want?" He licked his lips. "20 dollars." Mika frowned in confusion. "20 bucks? That's all?" "Cheap drugs don't cost much." he simply said as he pulled a box off cigarets out of his pocket. "Care for a joint?" he continued as they walked out of the bar, where Ivy was waiting for Mika. "Don't smoke Ben. It'll kill you in the end." she said as she walked towards her sister and left. "We're all gonna die some day, Skank!" he yelled after her, but Mika ignored his warning.
Little did we know, that by sending Ben out to explore, we had started a Summer full of madness. Our tiny, teenage lives were about to change, drastically. We send Ben to hell, and the demons came out to play when a mortal entered their caves.

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