Cans of soda

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Ivy looked at her father in shock and let go of Liz. She got up and wandered around her room, pretending she was busy. Jughead opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but decided not to when Liz glanced at him with a serious look. He just left and closed the door. "Shit!" Ivy yelled as she kicked her desk and sat down again. "It's okay. Your parents didn't know, huh? Mine would disown me, if he'd find out." Liz tried to make her feel better. "I... I'm not ready to come out yet... I'm not even sure what this is..." Ivy said as a tear slid down her face. Liz pulled her into a hug and felt like crying as well. "It's okay.." she kept repeating.
This was just the tip of the iceberg that existed out of the issues we were about to face. In comparison to what's to come, having troubles with coming out, was nothing. But we didn't know. And we didn't try to figure it out.
Florian sat up on his porch and stared at the sky. Thomas was on a weekend to New York with his dad and he didn't have that much to do. He pulled out a cigarette and tried to find a lighter. "Are you going to kill yourself?" he heard, coming from his next-door neighbours window. It was Ivy. "Ivy Alice Jones. Since when do you have the permission of telling what to do?" "Ever since we became friends in kinder-garden. Can I come sit with you? Liz's asleep." Florian nodded and no five seconds later Ivy was outside, holding two cans of soda. "Wait, two cans of soda and you're wearing your Tim Burton hoodie, what's the issue?" Ivy opened her can and sighed. "Liz. Me. Parents. Gay." "You just now realised your gay?" Florian asked her after he took a big gulp of soda. "I've known since like, 3rd grade." Ivy punched him on his shoulder. "No wonder it took you so long to figure yourself out. You were focusing on me instead of yourself." "So, how'd you figure it out?" Florian asked. "Same way you did." Florian frowned at this. "Thomas kissed you?" he joked. "No, stop jerking around, Liz kissed me. And I've never felt more confused in my entire life." Florian started laughing. "At least you didn't panic and came climbing through my window at 10 pm. Us gays have our own methods of coping. Where's Mika by the way? I haven't seen her like, for two days." Ivy shrugged. "Serpents." she simply said. "I'm going down the same road she went. I'll have Toni make me a Serpent as well. I have to protect... Never mind." Florian frowned, worried. "Protect who?" "No one." Ivy tried to get rid of answering the question. "Who?" Florian said, more serious. Ivy knew that look and she cracked up. "...Mika..." "Why protect Mika? She can take care of herself." Ivy sighed once again. "It's not that. It's that I'm afraid she'll go nuts once she's unsupervised. She has the darkness my mother has as well. I'm afraid she might use it for bad things." Florian wanted to say something, but Mika came running towards them. "Ivy, inside, now." she said as she pulled Ivys hood, nearly choking her. "Wow, what's the rush?" Ivy spat out. "Inside. NOW." Ivy waved at Florian as she left with her sister pushing her. Once inside the house, Mika locked the door and closed the curtains of all the windows. Ivy stood in the middle of the living room and crossed her arms. "Are you done, Veronica Sawyer? JD isn't gonna break in." "This is serious, Ivy. No jokes, no fun." Mika said as she came standing in front of her sister. Ivy nodded and Mika continued. Ivy started muttering the lyrics of 'Meant to be yours'. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Mika yelled as she ran towards Ivy, who ran up the stairs. Once upstairs, Ivy ran up to her parents room and opened the door, jumping upon the bed, waking up her parents as well. Jughead was half asleep as he asked: " What is going on? It's 1 am!" Ivy panted: " Mika is going to kill me. So do your parenting job and protect me." Jughead got up and opened de bedroom door, pulled Mika into the room by the sleeve and asked: " What the hell is going on here?" Mika tried to ease her sister and didn't listen. "Ivy, shut up, I'm not going to kill you." "Mika, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Jughead repeated himself. "It's the snake charmer. She's back."

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