I was desperate

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Thomas and Florian sat at Pops and drank a strawberry milkshake. "So, I was thinking, maybe next Saturday we could go hiking or something? Just the two of us?" Florian asked Thomas as he played with his straw. He hoped to hear something along the lines of 'Yeah, sure!' or 'I'm free then!", but deep down he knew the answer was no. "I actually have some stuff planned next Saturday... but maybe you wanna join me?" Florian frowned. He doubted if he should say yes. "What will we be doing then?"  he asked. "Oh, Isa, Lynn, and Sam are going to perform a sacred ritual and they asked me to join in. I'm sure they won't mind if I invite you!" Thomas sounded a bit too excited. "Sure.." Florian said. 

"BEN'S PLACE?! What the fuck were you doing over there?" Ivy yelled. "You guys didn't want me, so I crashed with him." Ivy got even more irritated than she already was. "I spent the entire night looking for you! Jay and Florian as well! And now you're gonna tell me you were nearby all this time!?" Mika stood up. "I was on the Southside, where you shouldn't be!" "I'm a Serpent by blood, I have every right to go there!" Ivy yelled back. Suddenly she noticed a spot on Mika's neck, she had failed to hide it with her hoodie. "Is that what I think it is? Is it?" Ivy said as she grabbed Mika's shoulder and tried to take a better look. "THAT IS A MOTHER FUCKING HIKEY GLADYS!" she yelled. "So what?! Who cares if I have a hickey..." Mika muttered. Ivy looked at her sister and then asked: " It's Ben's work. Isn't it?" Mika nodded slowly. "Okay, look. It's okay to have hickeys, that's not my big concern. I've got loads of them." Ivy said as she pulled down her sweater and revealed two hickeys on her neck. "Liz sure does her best, wow," Mika whispered. Ivy continued, "... But, seriously Mika? Ben Stinson? A Ghoulie? Are you out of your mind? What if dad finds out?" Mika didn't respond. She hadn't thought about that. "Look, I need to talk to him. About this stuff. About us. This morning I just wanted to get home as soon as possible." Mika continued. She got up and opened her window. "Cover for me when they ask where I am. Please?" Ivy nodded as her sister climbed out of the window. "She's dead if mom and dad find out she's going with Ben Stinson," Ivy said.

Mika arrived at Bens house and knocked on the door. Ben opened and smiled when he saw Mika stand in front of him. "I'm happy you came back." He said while letting her in. Mika dropped her jacket and sat down on the couch. Ben closed the door and took a seat next to her. The silence lasted forever. "You wanna have a drink?" Ben asked after some time. "No thanks," Mika replied. "We need to talk. About us. About how it affects everyone we know." She continued. Ben chuckled. "Who gives a shit about the others? Our love is what counts, alright?" Mika frowned. "It does matter! You're a Ghoulie, I'm a Serpent. The future queen even! Our worlds are maybe a bit too different for us to be together." Ben grabbed Mika's hand. "No, they're not. I love you, Mika. More than anything. Who's gonna hold us back?"  "My family! My responsibilities!" Mika shouted as she got up and started pacing. "I can't believe you don't care about that?! If I can't be a good leader, then my father will make Ivy queen and she doesn't deserve that kind of life. She can't get hurt. I would kill myself if that would happen." she shouted. Ben got up as well and started yelling as well. "I do care for that! We're just too fucking young for that kind of shit! You're what, 16? And you talk about responsibilities and being a leader... Hakuna Matata. That's my motto!" Mika turned to face Ben and yelled: "Shut up, Pumbaa! It's my life and I decide what to do with it!" "Then why did you decide to fuck me?!" Ben screamed maybe a bit too loud. It stayed quiet. After a while, Mika grabbed her jacket and before she left, she said: " I was desperate." Bam. She closed the door.


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