Snakes can fall too.

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"Hi, you work here?" Ivy asked the girl. She nodded. "I have a question. Where are Isa, Lynn, and Sam? I thought they'd be here." The girl put down the box. "They will come soon, they told me." "Can I know your name?" Ivy asked. The girl chuckled and said: "It's Eliza, but my dad calls me Liz." Ivy smiled. "Liz it is then." They both laughed. "And what about you? What's your name, or are you one of those people who likes to stay anonymous?" "No not at all, it's Ivy, Ivy Jones. Does your dad know John Greenberg?" Liz shook her head. "No, he is my dad. I'm adopted so..." Ivy frowned and thought to herself how weird it was that John didn't mention having a fourth daughter when they first met. And how come she hadn't seen Liz when everybody got out of the van. "Well, thanks for helping me out, Liz," she said as she left for her friends. "No prob, Ivy." she smiled. When Ivy got back with her friends, Jay had joined them. "Hi, Jay. Guys, I just heard the weirdest thing," she said as she sat down next to Mika. "John Greenberg is a serial killer," Mika said. "That girl over there, she's his adoptive daughter." The group suddenly was quiet. "What?" Florian spat out. "I thought that John guy had told us he had three daughters?" Jay asked Ivy, as he didn't really believe her. "I know. That's what concerns me." Ivy said as she kept looking at Liz, who was putting away another box. Mika stared out of the window for a while and then noticed Ben, waving his arms around like doufus. "Oh...Shit..." Mika muttered. She got up and left the store, just as her parents, grandfather, and Archie were entering. "Where are you scampering off to?" Jughead asked as Mika ran by. "Friend in need. Be right back!" Betty grabbed Jugheads hand. "She gets that from you," she said. Mika grabbed Ben by the collar and dragged him a bit further away from the scene. "You dumbass! My dad's in there, he'll kill you if he sees you with me. You got news?" Ben released himself from Mika's firm grip and started talking. "Yeah, I do, these people, they're not like you and me. They do weird stuff and they do it with people who are naive enough to buy into it. I think those lotions and shit are just drugs. They drug people. That's all I got." He sighed. "It's enough. Thanks pal." She said, padding him on the shoulder. Mika was about to return to her friends when Ivy came storming out of the shop. "It's dad." She panted. "What about him?" Mika asked, confused. "He was staring out the window when you were talking to Ben, I tried to distract him but..." "Mika Gladys Jones!" They heard coming from a familiar male voice. It was Jughead. "I'm sorry sis, I tried." Ivy whispered. "You and I are gonna have a long talk, young lady." Jughead said as he walked towards her. "Run for it in three, two,..." Ivy counted down, quietly. "!" She shouted and Mika ran of, grabbing Bens arm and dragging him with her. Jughead ran after her but stopped after just a few feet. "You, are in just as much trouble as your sister." He said pointing at Ivy. Betty grabbed Ivys shoulder before she could make a run for it. "Oh.. fuck." She whispered.

"How long has Mika been a serpent?" Jughead asked Ivy who was lying on her bed, pissed of. "How long Ivy?" Jughead asked her again. "... April." "You're not telling me she... does she have..." "She has a tattoo and a jacket. And she steals your bike from time to time." Jughead got up from his chair. "What? She takes my bike? That kid is the best rebel that ever existed in the history of rebels. You. Stay. I'm gonna go find her." He stood up and locked the door behind him. Ivy stood up, opened her window and climbed out of it, headed for the Andrews home. When she opened Florian's window, she fell into the room and saw Florian and Thomas, making out. "Oh, sorry." She said, trying to suppress those weird thoughts about hickeys once again. "What the hell, Ivy? What's up?" Florian asked her as he got up. "Sorry to ruin your kissing session, but Mika might die tonight. Sounds like a good reason to help me find her before my dad finds her?" Thomas got up as well now and looked at Ivy with an angry look. "I didn't plan on stumbling into your make- out session and I'm sorry." She repeated herself once again. "Are you coming or what?" But the boys didn't reply. "Fine. You think you're suddenly so important because of your relationship? I don't think so. You had your chance." With that said, she climbed out of the window and disappeared. "If they won't help me, then I'll ask the Serpents myself." she whispered to herself.
When she arrived at the sunny-side trailer park, she recognised Fangs immediately. He ran up to her and whispered: " Hey Jones the younger, what are you doing here? This is no place for girls like you." She pushed him away and kept on walking. He grabbed her arm and stopped her once again. "Hey, I'm dead serious okay? What are you doing here? If you can't prove you're a Jones they're gonna think you're some Northside pleb." "I'm looking for Mika, she here?" Fangs nodded and let go of her. "Go ask Sweet pea, will ya?" She smiled and ran to find Sweet pea. She had known Sweet pea all her life and they got along pretty well. He used to babysit when they were kids. She walked through al the dusty trailers and found nobody. When she walked out of the last trailer she had searched, she bumped into a tall figure. "What do you think you are doing?" Sweet pea yelled as he dragged her away from the trailer. "I'm looking for Mika! Let go of me, please, Sweet pea?" He looked at her with a serious face. "Just, take me to Mika, because when my dad does, he's gonna kill her." Sweet pea just nodded and took her to a burned down trailer. "You should find her here." Ivy entered the trailer and found Mika, sitting on what was left of a couch. Her jacket was lying on the floor. Ivy picket it up and sat down next to her. "You okay?" She asked after a while. Mika nodded. She just nodded. "This is grandpa's trailer, isn't it?" She nodded again. "I'm sorry about today. I should have helped you." "You tried." Mika brought out. "Dad's looking for you." Ivy said, knowing her sister couldn't escape Jughead Jones. "I know." At that very moment, Jughead entered the trailer.

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