I have to do it

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The three of them kept hugging on the floor for another 5 minutes. "We still need to find them," Ivy said. She got up and so did her siblings. "Then lets," FP said. "There can't be any more doors, can there? I mean, we looked everywhere," Mika said while they were walking through the hall. There was only one door left. Only they didn't know where. They had run past it so much, it had become invisible. Mika then realized. "Holy shit! The door next to where we found FP! We never looked at it!" Ivy and FP looked at her and then ran towards the hall where the door was. Once there, Mika put her ear against the door to hear if there was a sound in there, maybe Florian and Liz. She heard sobbing. "Open it! They're in here!" she shouted. Ivy grabbed a hairpin from her pocket and started twisting it in the lock. As soon as they heard the lock clicking open, they burst through the door and looked around. What they saw was Liz and Florian sitting tied to a chair with tape over their mouths. They weren't the ones sobbing. Ivy ran towards Liz and hugged her tightly. "I found you... I found you..." she kept repeating. "Did they hurt you?" she asked. Liz answered as soon as the tape was removed from her face. "No, no, they didn't, but Florian is not doing okay, they hit him so much, asking about you guys and... I was so scared, I thought you weren't gonna come." Ivy kissed her on the lips and said: "Even if you were in Asia, I would come and rescue you." Mika started untieing the robes and Ivy ran towards Florian. "Ho Shit..." she let out as she looked at his face. There were cuts and bruises everywhere and there was blood tripling down his chin. "Why'd they do this to you?" Mika asked him. "I don't know..." Florian brought out. "Everything went so fast..." Liz meanwhile had gotten up and looked at FP. "Who is he?" "Long story," Ivy said. FP just stared at the floor. "He's our brother, we'll explain later," Mika said. As she turned around, she realised there was still sobbing to be heard. But it wasn't her friends. It was someone sitting in the darkest corner of the room, wearing a white shirt. "Can we help you?" Mika asked the boy gently, trying not to scare him. "Nobody can help.." the boy said, standing up. Ivy looked at him and gasped loudly when she recognised him. "Thomas?" The rest now realised it too. It was Thomas, their friend, Florian's boyfriend. "What are you doing here?" "They told me there's only one way... one way to end all suffering.. and I have to do it.." Ivy looked at her sister, questioning what he meant, but quickly froze when she saw him holding a knife. "Whoah, Thomas, drop the knife.. please... we can help you.. I promise.." Thomas got up and ran out of the room, away from his friends like some kind of scared animal. Florian rushed after him and while the others ran after him, Ivy pushed her phone into FP's hand. The phone was already dialling the number it was supposed to dial. Betty Cooper. "Tell them we need them ASAP and that they need to call Thomas's parents too!" "But, I..." But Ivy had already left. FP heard the phone being picked up on the other side of the  line and his heart froze. These were his parents. He put the phone to his ear as he said: " Hello?" "Who is this?" He heard a female voice say. He stayed quiet. He couldn't talk. This was his mother. "Mhm, I'm a friend of your daughters, I can't talk long. They need you." "We're on our way." He heard the voice saying. "One more thing.." he said, "...I'm glad to hear your voice.." he said while his voice cracked. Then he hung up while wiping away his tears. "Holy shit..." he said while sobbing.

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