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Ivy walked towards Pops as she dialled Jay's phone number. "I need your help, Jay." Five minutes later Jay was sitting next to Ivy in a booster seat at Pops. "Florian and Liz are gone?" he asked. Ivy nodded. "..and you think they were kidnapped?" Ivy nodded once again. Jay placed his hands in his ginger hair and pondered. "Well, if they are kidnapped, we'll find them and safe them. Right?" Ivy frowned. "You still don't believe me, do you?" Jay nodded this time. "Maybe you're overreacting." He got up, shrugged and left the diner. Ivy madly got up and walked down the stairs to La Bonne Nuit. There was no one there. Veronica was cleaning the bar as she greeted Ivy. "Hey there, d'you wanna drink something? Relia tells me you're having tough days." Ivy shook her head and sat down at the bar. "I'm lost. That's all. Say, how did you calm my mom when she was angry or sad? Maybe it works on me too." Veronica sat down next to Ivy. "Well, your mom and I used to just talk. Talking can really help." She looked at Ivy. "Maybe you should talk?" "Maybe I should.." Ivy responded. "I don't know what to do. Mika's been shot, my girlfriend and Florian are gone and nobody wants to help me look for them. Everybody leaves us behind. I never imagined summer being like this." "Is Mika doing alright? Betty called me yesterday to tell me the news but I haven't heard a thing since then." Ivy smiled. "She's alright. She woke up about three hours ago, I was there. She'll be okay." Veronica sighed in relief. "Well, I'm glad she's okay. I heard about Liz and Florian too. Any idea where they could be?" Ivy shook her head. "I don't know. I just really don't know." Ivy sighed as she got up to leave. Before walking out the door, she realised there was something else she wanted to ask. "Hey V?" She started. "Yeah?" "Do I have an uncle or cousin called FP IV?" Veronica frowned, not out of confusion but out of worry. "Maybe. You're aunt JB maybe named one of her sons FP. But I don't know." she quickly said. Ivy left and pondered. Something wasn't right about this.

Mika was sitting on het bed, looking at the walls of the hospital room. All day her parents had been walking in and out off the room with pills or just to say hi. The door opened and Mika jumped from her trance aimed at the walls. It was Ben. "Hey.." he said. "Hey." Mika responded. "You doing okay?" Ben asked her as he came closer. "Yeah, I guess. There's been a bullet inside me but I don't feel any difference. I guess I won't be able to walk for a bit, but I don't mind." Ben stayed quiet. After sometime he started speaking again. "Your sister was really worried about you." he said, not knowing what to say. "I know, she was here just an hour ago. She left to find our friends." Ben frowned. "Why's she looking for them?" "They're just gone.. Ivy said she thinks they're kidnapped or something. Florian and Liz just disappe..." She couldn't finish because Ben talked over her. "Liz? Liz Greenberg? The girl who was adopted by the Greenbergs like, 15 years ago and then was saved by you guys?" Mika nodded. "Yeah, What's your point?" "If they were kidnapped, they could be kidnapped by John Greenberg. Think about it! He hates you and your family because you saved Liz who he was treating like a boxing ball, and he wants to have her back! And when he was in the house to get her, Florian was there too, he just took him as well! It's plain to see!" Mika sat up and grabbed her jacket, looking for her phone in the pockets. When she found it, she dialled Ivy's number.

Ivy wandered through the streets of Riverdale as she heard her phone ringing. She grabbed it and picked up when she saw Mika's photo appear on her screen. "Hey, What's up?" "Ivy, Ben just told me the craziest theory, but it could be true. Listen up, what if they're at the Greenbergs? Liz was once a part of the Greenberg business and we got her out. What if they're trying to get her back in?" Ivy needed to think. "Well, I'll check it out, but I won't go alone, that's too dangerous. When do you think you're gonna be able to help me?" Mika shrugged, even though her sister couldn't see that. "Maybe a couple days, maybe a couple weeks. Revaluation is different for everyone. For some people it takes months, if not years." Ben grabbed the phone. "Hey, Ivy? If you're breaking in there, count me in. But Mika's coming too.  You can't do this without her." Ivy then realised she hadn't told her sister what she knew about this FP kid. "Hand me Mika again, please." she said. "I know this sounds crazy, but the Greenbergs were talking about a guy named FP yesterday. I'm trying to figure that out as well." With that she hung up. Mika looked at Ben with a confused look. "What is it?" he asked her. "Ivy talks about some guy named FP. She heard his name with the Greenbergs." Ben shrugged. "What's so important about a guy named FP?" "Well, my great grandfather was called FP and my grandfather and father as well. It's like the mark for our family. Why would some random kid have the same name?" Ben grabbed Mika's hand. "Of course! Remember when I did research on them?" Mika nodded. "I sneaked in and I found all kinds of documents, including one file about an FP IV Jones. I didn't look in it.." Mika sat up a little straighter, "..but I took it with me because something inside me knew you would wanna take a look into it." Mika hugged Ben out of excitement. "Let's go get it."

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