Chapter 6- Leaving Hints & Coming Out?

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So this year I've only left hints to my dad. I know he'll be fully accepting, even if I tell him now. I want to this year, but I feel like I should wait. My mum however will probably say "it's just a phase". Or "how do you know you're pansexual/genderfluid?" My sisters will be accepting but I want to come out to them next year also. I've already told my almost 9 yr old nephew (his birthday is on the 23rd June). He's technically like my brother. He is very understanding and mature beyond his years, and always asks me my preferred pronouns whenever he comes over. I've told some of my friends as well.
However, my hints. Right.
When mum had gone to bed early (she had to go to work the next day), me and dad were sitting out at 9:30pm watching tv. An ad came on about this so called 'high tech, high quality, AMAZING' ladder (you know the sort). I was sitting on the other side of the room. I quoted, "that ladder is straighter than me." My dad then gave me a wtf look XD 😂
It was art.

When I come out to him, I want to literally stand in the closet with the door open and watch as he walks down the hallway, only to see me standing there with a somewhat a goofy face on. He'll ask why I'm standing there and I'll say, "don't worry, I'm coming out of the closet now", and go from there. It'll be weird because I'm in New Zealand with an English family and we say 'wardrobe.'
I'm hoping I can go to the Auckland PRIDE parade then too.

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