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Here is what I wrote in my diary: its childishly written BTW 😂😂

" So today at the library, me and Maddie were talking, and we went from the subject of the boys she likes to the social dance at the end of the year to when her now 15 yo brother was at the CMS and there was a lesbian couple and at one point they kissed. We were kind of fangirling over the story, because it was honestly so cute. Obv we had to be somewhat quiet bc other people would hear us. I said after, "I'm scared to come out to my parents be I feel like they would say 'it's just a phase'". Maddie was like "wait, you're a lesbian?!" in an excited whisper-shout. I looked away, flushed and nodded. She hugged me and said, "Chloe, I will literally support you through anything."

"So you dont feel any attraction to boys whatsoever?" "No". She then squealed a bit,"my best friend's a lesbian! Yayy!!!" (With the 'yay' really high pitched).

"So, Chloe, any girls you like?" She asked me in the exact same tone that she used to ask me the same question but with boys instead of girls. Again, I flushed a bit and nodded, smiling a little."

I then told her my crush.

"Maddie's expression lit up, and then she went to full on dating advice mode, explaining that I should tell her."

"I told her about how I kissed one of my (female) friends when I was about six or seven on the cheek. It was a really cool part in our friendship, and especially because a few days ago we had the biggest fight that went on for 3 weeks. She asked me how I'm going to come out to my parents, I told her. She then gave me advice on dealing with my mum who would likely say "its just a phase". Talk to my sisters first. Then my dad, that way I would have more support. Also, when we walked out of the library, I said to her, "I might not even come out and just come home with a girlfriend one day" She fangirled a bit then too XD"

" Then I heard a girl a year older come out to her friend.
An edgy ten yo boy that liked to swear and hang out with the high school boys made fun of her. I, with the confidence I got, stood up for her. "Hey," I said, "stop making fun of her for who she is. Grow up and mind your own business, its not like her sexuality is going to affect you in any way. The only choice she made was to be herself. Hmm, maybe it does affect you. Do you have a crush on her?" I said with overwhelming confidence I have never felt before bc I am quite shy. He reacted, "eww no!" And stopped and went back to his seat."

So that was random.

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