[again not actually a chapter] MY SHITTY WEEK

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I had a crap week. Fucking 18 yr old straight white males were tryna hit on me on the fuckin bus, I was ignored and shamed by teacher because I was emotional on thursday, I'm on my fucking period, me and my close friend at school had a MASSIVE fallout, I'm blaming myself for it, I'm really sick rn and laying in bed.

Because my teacher ignored me for being emotional, she didn't realize it was because of hormones, a fallout, and being sick ALL AT THE SAME TIME so now I'm going to be at home for he entire week doing nothing (which is okay I guess, apart from puking, having to blow my nose rapidly every literal two seconds, and not being able to speak), so I'm going to miss another friend's birthday on the 18th, I'm lonely af.

Haven't felt this bad since my 2017 and 2018 depression.


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