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It's been a month since the funeral. We've all been steadily trying to carry the burden of it. To be honest it's affected Akaen the most, he's been a lot more withdrawn since it happened. As a father I have no idea of how to support him. I sighed as I took a sip of some tea Ren had made. She glanced at me as she was kneading some dough, I stood abruptly, going upstairs. I found him sitting on the floor, half heartedly playing with some toys. "Hey son, you wanna go out??" I asked
"Hmm I don't really feel like it" he said looking up at me. I thought for a moment
"But daddy can't pick up all the bread himself! He needs you to help him, won't you help me and your mama out" I asked. He thought for a moment
"Well I guess, if you need my help" he said standing up looking slightly smug. I grinned, "great lets go then" I said holding his hand as we headed down. I picked up the basket for me and put a few loaves into a smaller basket for Akaen. "We'll be back soon honey" I called out before leaving with my son. We walked side by side, "first step, I don't know which houses to deliver what to, so I'm counting on you to guide me son!" I asked patting his back. He nodded excitedly as he stood ahead of me.

I was quite shocked, he remembered everything, wow, 'was this his mums or my blood? Come to think of it, memories more her game' I thought as we finished off our deliveries. "Great job son! I knew I could count on you" I grinned hoisting him up onto my shoulders, and putting his smaller basket into my bigger one. We walked home in silence, before he piped up. "Dad, why did granny have to go?" He asked as he leant his head atop mine. I thought, 'how the heck do you describe death to a child!?' I thought. An idea popped into mind, I headed for the beach, and sat him down next to me. "Son, you know as a person gets older, the only thing they want is to be surrounded by people that make them happy. All of granny's children had left her, so she's gone to be with them now. She spent a few years with you and your mum, now it's only natural for her to spend the rest with her family in a nice place, where there's no suffering" I explained. He sat for a while in silence, my nerves and heart beat suddenly skyrocketing, did I say the right thing? Am I guiding him properly?
"Yeah, I can understand that" he said simply looking at me. "Me and granny are the same then, we are both spending time with our families, that makes us happy!" He grinned. I felt my heart throb, I picked him up hugging him. "Yes, that's right son" I said as I patted his head. "Thanks dad, I love you" he laughed pinching my cheeks
"Owowowow, hey that hurt" I said throwing him into the sand, he landed with an oof. We played around a bit before I decided to head home. I sat him on my shoulder and walked back. The bakery was closed now, I walked in closing and locking the doors up behind me. The lights were off so I assumed Ren was asleep by now. I walked upstairs getting the shower ready as I gave Akaen a quick shower, drying him off and getting him into some clean clothes, I set him in his cot, kissing him goodnight before I too showered and got into bed.

I yawned slightly as I closed my eyes. I heard shuffling, I opened my eyes seeing Ren staring at me. "What's wrong?" I asked slightly taken aback
"Where's my goodnight kiss?" She asked pouting. I chuckled as I pulled her close, giving her a gentle kiss, "well it depends, if you want just a kiss, or I can give you more than that" I smirked
"Hmm, I thought you'd bleed to death, like at that lingerie shop" she teased
"Wha! How'd you know about that??" I asked staring at her in shock
"Well, I saw your nose bleeding, and all that contemplation of leaving the shop, thought I'd dig it up later to blackmail you" she giggled. I sighed
"It's not my fault" I muttered
"I'm just teasing, I think that's adorable" she said hugging me from the back
"You'd best start thinking of names honey" I grinned
"Why?" She asked sitting up slightly
"Because you're going to be giving birth in 9 months" I grinned as I pinned her to the bed. She let out a light chuckle, "we'll see about that" she smirked.

A few months later

"You idiot! You actually went and did it" I heard Ren scream from upstairs. I glanced up the stairs and then at me son who was helping me bake some sweet bread. I heard her run down the stairs, I glanced back seeing her wearing some long shirt, with half the collar falling off her shoulder, and her hair a mess. I glanced at her perfect legs, her shirt stopping just below her butt. I felt my nose start bleeding, "fu---dgeeeee, Akaen help! My nose!, it's gonna get in the bread quick!" I yelled.
"Ahhhhh daddd!!" He yelled running in circles momentarily before grabbing a tissue and putting it on my nose. I quickly washed my hands of the dough, and shoved a tissue into each nostril. "Hun, what's the big idea, it's too early to look like some freshly baked bread" I said
"Big idea, I'll tell you what, come upstairs! Akaen dearie, I just need to have a quick word with daddy ok, we'll be down in a bit" she smiled. I glanced at her, as she dragged me upstairs closing the door. "Okey, now that Akaen thinks you're in trouble! I'm pregnant loveeee~" she chimed hugging me
"Whoa whut, too quick slow down" I said as my mind short circuited and fused.
"I said I'm p-r-e-g-n-a-n-t" she spelled out.
"Oh...ohhhhhh okkkkk, that's great news" I laughed hugging her back.
"Well you'll finally be here for this one, I'll leave it all to you then Kay" she chimed before heading downstairs. "Wait what?" I said calling after her
"Oh by the way, don't tell sonny boy, it has to be a surprise" she smiled placing a finger to her lips. I nodded watching after her.

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