Cabin in the Woods

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The next day, I run into Becca at school. 

"Hey..." she says awkwardly.


"Look, I'm sorry I don't want to lose you, but if I had to choose I'd still choose Rachel," Becca says, not realizing how much she is hurting me.

"You don't get it do you?" I question her. "I trusted you not to hurt me, you knew how hard that was for me, yet you didn't care and just threw me away like I was nothing. So that's what we are now. Nothing."

"Lexis..." Becca says sadly as I walk away.


I sit next to Peter at our table during lunch period, and he is there eating his meal. 

"What's up," he asks with his mouth full.

I laugh at him and reply, "Nothing much, just Becca trying to talk to me."

"Please tell me you didn't forgive her," he questions

"No, and I don't think I'll be ready to for a while," I respond.

He gives me a quick, comforting kiss to help cheer me up, but I'm still tense. 

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"I just hurt," I tell him.

"Oh...right," he says seeming as if he had forgotten about my medical condition.

I pull him into a tight hug to show him that everything is fine. 


"So, you told Peter everything then?" Carrie asks.

"Um yeah" I reply trying not to show too much emotion. 

"Good," she says cheerfully, "now where do you and Peter stand?"

"We're together, and nothing's changed, in fact we've grown closer," I tell Carrie. 

"Well that's good but do you know how you feel toward Peter, since you've had problems with that in the past," she asks, pushing me into a uncomfortable position.

" like and care about him," I answer her question. 

"But do you love him?" she pushes.

"I could," I answer simply. 


When I get home, I find Peter sitting on my front porch.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask slightly confused because we didn't have plans tonight.

"I am taking you out on a surprise date." he says with a little smirk on his face. 

"Really?" I ask with a huge grin emerging on my face. 

"Yup," he says popping the 'p.'

He leads me to the passenger side of his burgundy pickup truck.


"Okay, I've had my eyes closed for like twenty minutes, are you going to tell me where we are going," I ask pretending to be annoyed but having a big grin on my face. 

"No, but I will tell you we are almost there," he answers me. 

"Fine," I say pouting but keeping my eyes closed like instructed.

I feel us pull off the road and onto dirt. I'm tempted to open my eyes, but I just close them tighter so I wouldn't ruin the surprise. 

"Okay," he says, "  we are here."

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