The Beginning of the End

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After her explosion at Prom, Rachel became an outcast at school. I start had started to feel bad for her until I remembered what she had said.

"I still can't believe she did that, in front of everyone," I say at lunch with Peter and Melissa the following Monday at school.

"Yeah, she has definitely lost it," Melissa says, "Becca has not stopped crying."

"Micah too," Peter chimes in, "he could care less about Rachel, he just wants his baby."

"We need to help him somehow," I say trying to come up with an idea. 

"How?" Peter asks, "we're just a bunch of teenagers."

"There's gotta be something legally he can do," Melissa responds.

We nod silently, all of us thinking about what to do.


"Graduation is just around the corner," my mom brings up one day over dinner when Peter was over.

"Yup," I say awkwardly not looking up from my food.

"So what are you two crazy kids going to do after you graduate?" my mom asks.

"Um...we haven't really talked about it yet, Mrs. Marvel," Peters answers.

"Peter, Dear, call me Samantha, please," my mom begins, "but you guys should really talk about what you want for the future."

After that she gets up and goes to the kitchen to leave Peter and I alone in silence.

"So, what does our future look like?" I ask cautiously. 

"Um...well...I want us together and doing what we love," Peter replies.

"Yeah, but I meant like what colleges did you apply to," I say.

"Oh, I didn't," he responds.

"What?" I ask in shock.

"I didn't apply to college," Peter repeats like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"How could you not apply, what about your future?" I ask.

"It's just school has never really been for me, so why waste anymore time in it?" Peter replies.

"Uh because it can help set you up for your future and help you get a better career and get out of this podunk town," I say.

"I'm happy living in this 'podunk' town as you put it," Peter exclaims, "I don't need some fancy college degree to be happy and fulfilled." 

"Then what do you need?" I question, my voice getting louder.

"You, I need you!" Peter yells.

After a few moments of silence, I say, "okay."

"Okay what," Peter asks.

"Okay, we'll stay here, we can get an apartment, and I can go to the community college while we figure out the finer details," I say.

"Are you serious?" Peter questions.

"Yeah," I say shaking my head yes and with a smile on my face. 

He picks me up into a big hug and twirls me around while I shriek in excitement and happiness. 

What I don't see is my mom standing in the entryway smiling at us with a hint of sorrow on her face.


After the graduation ceremony, we are all at my house having a little after-party. Melissa and Micah are chatting with their parents in the corner. Becca is talking with my mother while looking sad, must be about her baby growing up. Peter and I are holding hand and making our way to the backyard. 

"We are officially high school graduates," Peter says.

"I know how exciting," I say, "we have the rest of our lives ahead of us, we can go and do anything."

Peter looks at me with a little confusion but just asks, "so when do your classes start?"

" August 16 I think," I reply.

Peter nods his head and pulls me into a tight hug. 

After a while, we head back inside just in time to hear Micah let out an excited shriek.

"Micah, what happened?" I ask as he puts his phone back in his pocket.

"That was Rachel, I'm having a baby girl," he says happily and with tears in his eyes. 

"Oh my god, that's amazing," Melissa exclaims as she jumps up ans down and kisses Micah right in front of everyone.

My, and everyone else's, eyes widen in surprise but Peter comes up and tells him his congratulations. 

After some cheers, hugs, and handshakes Micah and Melissa leave to go talk to Rachel about some "personal things." All the parents leave next, along with Becca, leaving Peter, my mom, and I. 

"So, when exactly do you two plan on moving into that apartment you want," she asks.

"Actually, Mom, I wanted to talk to you about that, " I start to say, "since we don't really have any income right now, I was wondering if Peter could just move in here for the time being?"

My mom is silent for a few moments as if she is deliberating. 

"Oh, of course he can, sweetie," my mom exclaims as she wraps her arms around me.


Two years later we are living in an apartment by ourselves.

"So how was school today?" Peter questions.

"Good, we had a guest lecturer who talked about how to transfer to a four-year college," I say hoping he will get the hint.

Peter groans, "this again, I thought we talked about it. You would graduate from the community college then look for a job in town and if you don't find one within the year then we'll talk about it."

"I know that's what we discussed but that's not what I want. I want to get my bachelor's degree, I want to leave this place, and I want you to come with me" I reply back. 

"What if I don't want to leave, you going to go without me?" he questions as his anger is starting to show. 

"If I have to!" I yell back before completely thinking it through. 

With that Peter's whole demeanor changes and he leaves the room. As he leaves the room, I break down, crying of the sofa and holding myself in comfort.


It's been hours since I have last seen Peter, and I am starting to get very concerned. I've called his parents, my mom, Micah, Melissa, Becca, and a few other friends to see if they have heard from him. They all say that they haven't. 

Just as I'm about to go out and start to look for him, the front door opens and in walks Peter.

"Oh thank god," I say as I make my way over to hug him tightly.

"I'm sorry," he says. 

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't back out of our agreement," I respond 

"I shouldn't have made you agree to that in the first place," he answers back.

"It doesn't matter," I say, "now where on Earth have you been?" 

"I quit me job," he says seriously.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask.

"I quit my job," he repeats. 

"Why?" I question him.

"So we could move to New York, where you got into NYU," he says holding up a big manilla envelope. 

I quickly grab the envelope and look at it. I got in...I got in...I got in. Next thing I know I scream with excitement.

"Now it looks like your real story can begin," Peter says.

"No," I say, "I used to think my story had reached its end after I left that hospital the first time, but you showed me it had just begun when I fell in love with you," I say while leaning in to kiss him gently yet passionately. 

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