Panic at the Cafeteria

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The next day at school, Micah would not leave our sides all day. One of my old friends had even came up to us and asked him if he was okay and what his problem was for hanging out with us. Peter kindly told her where to shove it.

The first time we saw Rachel both Becca and Micah whimpered, then they looked at each other confusedly. Especially when she walked by as like we didn't exist. 

"I'm sorry," I say to both of them, "let's get to lunch," I suggest. 

With nods and murmurs of agreements we made our way to the cafeteria, just in time for the crowd of students to come hurtling to get some food to eat. 

We wait for the commotion to calm down before we go and get our lunches. By the time I get back to the table the only person missing is Peter. 

"Where's Peter?" I ask Melissa due to the fact that I am usually the last one back. 

"He said he had to take care of business, so I assumed that meant he had to go to the bathroom," she replies.

I nod my head in understanding but still look around the cafeteria to see if I can spot him anywhere. 

I get up quickly as I see him approaching Rachel, as does Micah and Becca. 

"So you think you can at like nothing has happened and just cast him out of your life like you do everyone else you take advantage of!" Peter yells at her as we make our way to the, feet moving rapidly.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Rachel says condescendingly and flips her obnoxious brown hair.

"Uh oh," I hear Micah whisper.

"Does the name Micah ring a bell, the guy you dumped like trash, or how about Becca the girl you used then threw away!" Peter continues to yell.

"You don't get a say in who I date," replies Rachel before she turns to walk off.

Before she can however, Peter yells, "Yeah, but Micah gets a say on the baby that's growing inside of you!"

Rachel slowly turns around with a humiliated and shocked expression, "Micah, you told him," she hisses.

"It's my baby too, you can't just kick me out of their life, and yes I did tell my best friend," Micah says standing up for himself for the first time since this whole ordeal started. 

I look around to see Becca crying, Melissa consoling Becca, Peter reding at the face with anger, and Micah shaking with the adrenaline that is now pumping through his system. However, what I don't need to look around to see is the pain I am in right now.

I start to breathe heavier and faster, feeling as if my lungs aren't working. My head is beginning to spin. I can feel the tears running down my face as I begin to shake back and forth. I stumble back to find a place to sit. 

Peter notices this immediately and his demeanor changes immediately from one of ager to one of concern. Becca comes running up and going down the list of tips and trick that are supposed to help. Melissa comes up and had me hold her hand for the comfort that I needed. Micah is holding my other hand for his comfort so he doesn't start to panic. I'm looking into Peter's eyes when I gain some control back over my breathing. 

After about fifteen minutes I am alright and ready to get on with the rest of the day.


"So um does that happen all the time," Micah asks when we are all doing homework in my living room.

"Uh yeah, at least once a week, I guess," I respond.

"Oh, why didn't you ever have them when we were together," he questions.

"I guess my anxiety just got worse after we broke up," I say.

"We didn't break up," Micah says, "I completely ignored you until you gave up on me."

"Yeah," I respond awkwardly

"You know that was the first crack in mine and Peter's friendship, not just dating you, but hurting you," Micah explains

"Really, why?" I ask.

"He's been in love with you for forever, since you guys first became friends in grade school," he replies. 

"Wow," I whisper while looking down because I know I am blushing like crazy. 


After Becca, Melissa, and Micah leave, Peter and I are sitting on a lawn chair in the backyard. 

"So, I heard something interesting today," I say.

"Oh yeah and what's that," he replies

"That you've been in love with me since grade school," I respond.

"What?" he asks immediately, "who told yo...Micah," he grumbles.

"I think it's cute," I say trying to comfort yet tease him a little. 

"Thanks," Peter pouts out.

"Hey, I'm serious, just because it took me a little longer doesn't mean I love you any less than you love me," I respond to his pout with that and a kiss.

"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me," he exclaims.

"I know," I reply smuggly. 

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