Chapter 33: A Marine's Story of Evacuating Seoul

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Clark set aside the journal and worked on his own writings, trying to recall the details of his father's many stories of serving as a Marine in the Pacific in WWII, being injured by shrapnel during amphibious landings on Okinawa and his assignment as a bodyguard for the U.S. Ambassador in Korea during the Korean War.   Clark's father, Jack Clark Edwards, led Ambassador John Muccio safely out of Seoul under harrowing circumstances when it was invaded.  He served in the embassy and was there for Emancipation of Seoul as well, giving him opportunities to meet General Douglas McArthur and many others.  Those stories Clark knew were true and he felt they should be shared.   He kept a list of the brief titles that would call to mind each story that took place in the Pacific and those that took place in Korea.  When Clark left the Navy and returned to Saint Petersburg, Florida, his life with friends and library research and fun, took over and the journal was ignored for many years.

In 2016, when Clark's sister visited his bungalow after his passing, she found the list of story titles and passed it to their father, who was amazed to find so many of the short descriptive titles that he had given his war stories as he shared the stories with Clark.   She also found a copy of a story their dad had written many years earlier about his memories of the Korean invasion of Seoul and the time that followed.  

Stef's dad provided the story written by Jack Edwards from a copy he received from Clark Edwards when he paid for Steven Payne's journal.  At Stef's request, Dad provided a photocopy to Stef who wanted to be thorough in telling the whole complicated story.   It was decided to add it to the end of the journal and put the introduction letter with this part of the journal. 

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