Chapter 90: Staying True to Course by Keeping Busy

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The Chief Scientist decided that the next day's exploration should use the smaller remote submersibles and keep everyone onboard to watch the ocean swells in all directions for any unusual sightings.  The ROVs allowed scientists to make grids of the regions surveyed by cameras, taking note of the size and composition and temperature readings of each chimney. Robotic arms collected other data including samples of the plumes and the marine life at each vent.

All in all, it was a routine day and a lot of work was accomplished.  Some goodhearted joking about sea monsters buoyed everyone's spirits.  Even the scientists who felt certain they had seen "great tentacles" the night before, were ready to admit they could have been mistaken.   MYKA expressed disappointment for not seeing any unusual species that day.   The research vessel was back on track to move on to its next destination.   If there was a predator watching, perhaps it would follow as the ship set sail that night.

During the early evening shift in the marine specimen lab, Stef noticed MBER carrying a stack of files approaching with a look of reproach.  "Well, StLF, aren't you full of surprises.   You should count yourself very fortunate that it was I who found your journal last night under the table in the snack bar.   Stayed up all night reading. . . My, oh my, oh my.  Well . . . I like you, so the contents are safe with me.   Under lock and key.   I suggest you don't try anything rash.   Others might have questions about your suitability for being on board.    I'm keeping the journal for now, in your best interest.   I won't say a word to MYKA.   Like you, I am glad to know some things the "Know-it-all" doesn't.   Your interest in MYKA may be misunderstood and this friend of yours may be misleading you, too.  Watch out.   One thing that wasn't clear.   Who is this ROBN?"

StLF gulped, feeling a wave of panic.  "This is embarrassing to say.   ROBN is my alter ego.    An imaginary friend from childhood, who dares to do and say things I would never do or say. Sometimes I let my imagination go wild and make up stories about people who are a mystery to me.    ROBN is just in my head.   My secret.    I'm glad you are offering to keep all of these embarrassing entries secret.    My sincerest thanks."

"Listen  StLF,  I'm sorry I sounded so menacing at first.   I really like you.   You are hardworking and considerate and always try to see things from another person's point of view.   Your journal seemed out of character and pretty intense, but everyone needs some kind of release valve, and out here, away from friends and family . . . I get it.   Here's a word of advice I gave my first- year students:  'If wisdom's ways you wisely seek,  five things observe with care.   Of whom you speak, to whom you speak,  and how and when and where.'   That was something Caroline Ingalls wanted Laura Ingalls Wilder to know.   You know, Little House on the Prairie?   Yes, well, for now you have my word.   Remember, a robin is a harbinger of spring.    Don't be springing any weird comments to others or I may have to come forward with your journal's contents.    I'm sure many folks would be amazed by what you've written.   Especially MYKA and the Chief Scientist. ROBN sounds like a sneak and guess what that makes you!"

Stef had no snappy comeback and felt the blush brought on by being found out.   Shrugging and backing away from the busybody who may be or maybe not be keeping the journal's contents to herself, Stef could only hope for the best.   MBER's comments sounded like a threatening move, or maybe just a way to guarantee that StLF would be within her grasp for attention on any occasion.

Stef had a habit of writing in cryptic terms and using vague references.   "Did MBER misconstrue the contents?   Was anything shared with the Chief Scientist resulting in that weird one-sided conversation overheard the night before?  What on earth could they be thinking?   How many mysteries were aboard this vessel?"  Stef's mind was reeling with questions.  "Was MBER fishing?"

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