Freeza and Frost a Deadly Combo.

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Everyone continued to stare at where Universe 9 used to be. Until Vegeta said, "I can't believe they actually did it."

Goku added, "Yeah, but it's not the first time we saw a Universe erased. Remember Trunks future timeline. Once Zenny decides to erase something that's the end of it. And that's why I'm going to keep fighting with all I've got. I'm never going to give up until I win."

Vegeta smirked, "Well, you may think you'll be the last man standing, but the one who gets the Super Dragon Balls will be the great Vegeta."

The 2 full blooded Saiyans laughed, with Gohan adding, "Well, as long as our Universe survives it doesn't matter which of our team is the last standing."

Goku pointed out, "Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition between teammates."

Up in the bench, Mojito smirked and said, "Oh well, it appears of all that's left of the 9th Universe, which was under my supervision. I guess that's okay."

Hearing this Beerus commented, "That Angle gets on my nerves."

Whis explained, "Well, Mojito is the black sheep of our family. He's the only one who would actually be happy with his Universe erasure, the others, myself included, would either be neutral or a bit sad."

Beerus growled, "Yeah, but you'd still be relieved you were safe."

Whis laughed, "You got me there, my lord."

In another bench area, the God of Destruction from Universe 12, Gin, commented, as he wiped some sweat from his brow, "I'm glad our Universes are safe from erasure."

While the Supreme Kai of Universe 1, Anat said, "It is a sad thing indeed, but the Gods had it coming for failing to nurture their Universe properly. Grand Zeno would have at erased all 8 lower level Universes before, but thanks to this Tournament one can survive and prove that it's still worth keeping around. In the end, the other Universes should have thanked Goku for giving them a fighting chance. The weak Universes must be erased in order to bring the cosmos into balance."

Back on the arena, many other competitors were reacting to the erasure. First was Toppo, "I've seen lord Belmond destroy things before, but never that massively and ruthlessly."

Cabba gulped nervously, as did Kale, but Caulifia shouted, "Come on guys, don't get cold feet now, we're still in this." She grabbed both their hands, "Now follow me."

Ganos of Universe 4 asked his team, "Did anyone else just wet themselves a little bit?" After his team stared at him, "What? It's a legitimate question."

Even Freeza said, "I find the disparity between their serency childlike voices and their actions to be quite vexing. But I vow you this the day will come when lord Freeza reigns over you."

17 turned to his sister as well, and asked, "You seem upset about something?"

18 pointed out, "Well, yeah. We just saw an entire Universe erased. That must freak you out a little bit?"

"Not really. I mean we knew the risks going in. Domestic life has softened you up, sister." Before she could reply, he continued, "No I'm glad. It's good at times. But we should remember were Androids with infinite energy supplies. We never get tired that should give us an advantage over these organics." The twins smiled and leaped back into the fight.

Future Zeno pointed out, "All the fighters have stopped fighting."

Zeno, in turn, asked, "I wonder why they stopped?"

The Grand Minister appeared before them, "There just taking a moment to calm down. Seeing an entire Universe erased can be very shocking. Once they get their bearings and pay a quick respect they'll get back into the fight. In fact, some warriors are already starting things up."

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