Jiren vs Universe 7!

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Jiren continued to power up, on his tower of rubble, with Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan being pushed back by the force of his energy. Those on the bench also felt the overflow of power, with Kai pointing out, "I haven't seen Jiren use this much power in a long time."

Belmond added, "Yeah. I'd say he's now entered his God of Destruction level of power."

Roshi stated, "Hold onto your hats boys. The strongest in the Universe are really getting serious now."

Beerus pumped his fist, "Well, they just beat one guy on the Destroyer level, they can do it again! GO UNIVERSE 7!"

Zeno shouted, "My this fight just keeps getting amazing."

Future Zeno jumped in, "I hope it lasts even longer."

The Grand Minister appeared, "Well, it looks like the Tournament of Power is getting closer to quite a climax."

As Jiren finished powering up, now surrounded again by his fiery aura, the tower of rubble he was on collapsed and he landed on the half of the arena that hadn't been completely destroyed, staring off against the 3 Universe 7 Saiyans. Goku shockingly said, "I can't believe he still has this much power."

Gohan added, "It's completely unreal. He's some kind of monster."

Vegeta simply stated, "So now that your little friends are gone your finally getting series. But it won't change the fact that I'll still win and claim the Super Dragon Balls."

Jiren said, as his aura vanished, "Don't be foolish. You have no chance of beating me now."

"THINK AGAIN! YOU WON'T LAST A MINUTE AGAINST 3 SAIYAN WARRIORS!" He powered up his Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, as Gohan did the same with his powerful Ultimate Form.

Goku even shouted, "Kaioken Times 20!" Powering his Super Saiyan Blue with his Kaioken aura. The 3 rushed at Jiren after, with Goku and Vegeta each launching a punch on Jiren's left and right, respectively. However, the Pride Trooper used his arms to block their attacks, then used the force of his energy to push the 2 back. He then looked up and saw Gohan firing a Masenko Ha at him. Jiren widened his eyes to reflect the Masenko Ha back at Gohan. Luckily, the Saiyan jumped back down to the arena floor just in time to dodge the reflected blast and rush at Jiren with a punch. Unfortunately, Jiren grabbed his fist and threw the young Saiyan into some floating rubble behind him. Goku and Vegeta then rushed at Jiren and started trading punches with him. Gohan jumped of the rubble and powered up to attack Jiren from behind, but Jiren was able to block and dodge the punches from all 3 combatants. He eventually punched Vegeta away, knocking and lodging the Saiyan Prince into some floating debris. The Pride Trooper then swiftly kicked both Goku and Gohan away, before rushing at Vegeta. Recovering and seeing him coming, Vegeta broke out of the debris and jumped away to some nearby floating debris to dodge Jiren. He then unleashed a Final Flash at Jiren, while Gohan who got back up and got behind Jiren fired his own big energy blast.

Despite both attacks hitting Jiren at different angles simultaneously and exploding, Jiren jumped out of the smoke, barley damaged and jumped at Vegeta. While doing that he fired an energy blast from his right hand at Gohan, blasting the half-Saiyan back. He then launched at punch at Vegeta with his left hand, who fired off his own punch, with his right, which collided with Jiren's fist. When they did, Jiren said, "I can see how you outmaneuvered Toppo, but that won't help you beat me."

Vegeta shouted as he and Jiren exchanged fists while falling back to the stage, "How many times do I have to tell you not to underestimate a true Saiyan Warrior!?"

Goku then jumped at Jiren from behind, while he and Vegeta were still in mid-air. Looking over his shoulder and seeing Goku coming, Jiren quickly dodged a punch from Vegeta and fired an energy punch at the Saiyan Prince, blasting him into the Pillar keeping track of time, which was the only thing on the ring still completely intact. He then turned to face Goku and exchanged punches with the Saiyan, which they kept to do once they landed back on the stage. Once back on the stage, Jiren punched Goku in the face and knocked him back a few feet. Before he could do more, Gohan recovered and unleashed a barrage of energy blasts at Jiren, which he just took, as he charged at Gohan and punched the Universe 7 warrior away. Seeing this as he recovered Vegeta yelled, jumped off the Pillar at Jiren and tried to hit him with both arms. Sadly, he only hit the floor, as Jiren had somersaulted back just in time to dodge. Vegeta kept screaming as he got up and rushed at Jiren while channeling his energy into his right fist and used it to punch Jiren, but Jiren did the same with his left and when the punches collide they caused a big explosion. The force of the explosion sent Vegeta crashing back to join Gohan and sent Jiren skidding back a bit, with some small bruises and the left shoulder of his uniform torn off.

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