Freeza's Surprising Move.

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Many fights still raged on the Tournament of Power stage. While the contests may have dwindled, the intensity of the fights did not.

Gohan and Piccolo were still fighting Saonel and Pirina, respectively. Gohan and Saonel were trading punches until Saonel swept kicked Gohan's feet and knocked him to the ground. Over with Piccolo, he had just been punched into some debris by Pirina. Luckily, the Universe 7 Namekian recovered and extended his left arm to wrap around Pirina and keep him stuck. Piccolo got an energy blast ready, but Saonel arrived and turned his right hand into an energy sword, to slice off Piccolo's arm and free Pirina. Piccolo fired off his energy blast, but Saonel jumped to dodge. Then Pirina rushed in. While Piccolo did regenerate his arm in time to cross his arms to block a punch from Pirina, the force was still enough to send him flying through the debris. After landing and getting back up, Piccolo saw Saonel come at him with his energy sword. Just in the nick of time, Gohan arrived and caught Saonel's sword, then kneed him in the gut, before throwing him across the arena. Pirina jumped in to attack, but Piccolo fired an energy blast from his mouth to knock Pirina back. As the 2 Universe 6 Namekians recovered, Piccolo and Gohan stood back to back, Gohan on the right and Piccolo in the left. Gohan noted, "These Namekians are stronger than expected."

Piccolo smiled, "Yeah, but we can take them." Pirina walked towards Piccolo, while Saonel walked to Gohan. The Universe 7 pair nodded to each other, then jumped into once again exchange blows with their opponents.

Vegeta, on some rubble, was looking up at Jiren, who was still watching the action from the Pillar. Seeing him, Vegeta smirked, "It's time for me to take on the best of the best!"

Before he could move, Toppo jumped onto some nearby debris, shouting, "Halt, villain! If you wish to face Jiren you must 1st defeat me!"

Vegeta said, "I don't have time for your Universes 2nd strongest."

"But aren't you, your Universes 2nd best?"

Vegeta's eyes glared at Toppo, as he powered up into Super Saiyan Blue, and shouted, "You just made a big mistake, Mr. Mustachio! Never underestimate the power of the SAIYAN PRINCE, VEGETA!" He then rushed at Toppo and delivered a powerful punch to the face, knocking him right into the floor, maybe even damaging his mustache. Vegeta rushed in and Toppo quickly got up and blocked a kick from Vegeta, with his arms, before the pair began battling by exchanging fists.

On the bench, Krillin said, "Oh, he just said Goku was better than him."

Tien added, "He shouldn't have done that."

Whis, still filming using Cus's camera, noted, "This should give Vegeta the boost he needs to get rid of Toppo more quickly."

Kai said, "Oh please. It will take a little more than a rage boost to take down our God of Destruction in training, Toppo."

In another area, Goku got up from the rock he was resting on and started flexing his muscles. He turned Super Saiyan 1 briefly, then powered down and said, "I'm recovering good. Soon I'll be ready to get back into action."

Freeza laughed, as he and Frost appeared to Goku, "If you're looking for some excitement, I'm sure we can provide it."

Seeing the pair, Goku got into a fighting stance, "Freeza and Frost! I should've known with how low down you 2 are that you'd attack me now."

Frost nodded, "Of course. If we fought you at your best victory would be difficult, but fighting you like this means will be able to enjoy torturing you, before eliminating you."

Goku smirked, "You guys might be biting off more than you can chew. I especially have to pay you guys back for what you did to Krillin, Master Roshi, Tien, and Cabba."

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