Universe 2's Stars Appear.

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As some fights raged on in the Tournament of Power, Brianne on some debris was soon joined by her 2 teammates Sanka and Su. She then smirked and said, "I think it's time we show off our true power. How about it girls?"

Below them, Goku and Vegeta were on the move, with Goku saying, "Alright, time to find someone else to fight."

However, they stopped, when Brianne shouted from her debris, "My fellow warriors, may I have your attention please." The Saiyans and pretty much everyone stopped to look at the Universe 2 warriors.

On the bench Pell began to jump up and down, "It's finally happening."

Hellus extended her hands, "And now lovely flowers shall bloom over the battlefield."

Beerus asked, "Huh? What is she talking about?"

Champa shouted, "This is combat, not a garden party!"

Back on the stage, Vegeta asked, "What is this crap?"

Brianne began, "All the way from beautiful Universe 2, we are Brianne de Chateau."

Sanka added, "I'm Sanka Ku."

Su finished, "And I'm Su Roas."

Brianne said, "Together we are the Kamikaze Fireballs and we're here to spread the power of love."

The remaining 4 Universe 2 fights got in front of their debris and shouted together, "The power of love and victory!"

Brianne winked, "It's time to transform." They each shouted "Formation" and started chanting, with Brianne's being, "Brianne, Brianne. Bri, Brianne." She was covered in pink energy.

Sanka's was, "Sanka, Kaku. San-kakaku." Her covering energy was blue.

Lastly, Su went, "Su, Su. Su, Ro. Su, Su, Ro." She was covered with yellow energy.

Goku smiled, "Awesome! It looks like their powering up."

Beerus annoyingly said, "'Well I wish they'd hurry up and end this song and dance."

Hellus shouted, "You bit your tongue! Show respect for the ritual. These ladies are summoning their warrior spirit." However, before the transformation was finished, 3 energy blasts hit the group, disrupting it. Many were in shock, including Hellus, "Who did that?! How rude!"

The perpetrators jumped down to reveal Android 17, Dr. Papporoni, and Ganos. Goku asked, "Hey, why did you guys have to do that?"

17 replied, "They had left themselves wide open."

Ganos chuckled, "Yeah, how could we not take a shot and take them down."

Dr. Papporoni added, "Attack when your opponent's guard is down that guarantees victory."

17 asked, "Is there a problem?"

Goku said, "So were you guys just not paying attention? They were getting ready to transform and then you ruined it."

"Yeah, so?"

Ganos then said, "It's their own fault for giving us that opening."

Dr. Papporoni joined in, "Affirmative. We're here to win not play around, so will attack before they power-up because we may not be able to beat them then."

Brianne recovered and shouted, "Hey, you punks!" She and her teammates jumped down from their debris and ran over to the 3, "Now look here, there's a meaning to every aspect of our transformation ritual. You can't just interrupt us right in the middle of it!"

Just then, Toppo came running in, "Yes that's right!" He joined the group, "When a warrior strikes a pose or powers up, that's justice! The code and honor of a battle clearly states you must allow your opponent to finish their transformation before engaging them. Now you are under no obligations to allow them to use their forms full power, so if they are still taking it easy you can take them out without waiting. But you must let them enter the form that provides them access to their full power, even if they don't use it all, first. You, 3 villains, violated that sacred code of battle!"

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