Chapter 18

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Two Months Later

There's a month of summer left, meaning I have to go back to school. And worst of all; It's the first year of high school. But let's not worry about that. Let me update you on what's happened so far.

  Alaina and I have been talking non stop. We're best friends now. Ashton and I have gotten really close. Oh yeah, there's one minor detail I haven't mentioned yet.

  I found out that I'm lesbian. (I'm 90% sure.)

  I haven't told Ash.

  While there is still that possibility that I might just be exploring my options, I'm pretty confident this is a life long thing. How I know, is that the first time I met Alaina, I thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world and now I might have a slight —huge— crush on her. If that doesn't scream "YOU'RE GAY!!" then, I don't know what does.

  I've been developing these feelings since I first met her, but I had just ignored them until about a week ago when I was just like, "fuck it, I'm gay."

  Now I've just got to figure out how I'm going to tell the boys. So far, I'm thinking I buy a giant pride flag and paint the words "Hey Dad, I'm Gay" in big, bold, black letters and hang it up on the wall so when they come home from work, they'll see it.

I'm just nervous about their reaction.

I walk downstairs in my pajamas. It's currently Sunday at 10:00 A.M. I'm going to buy the flag today and come out tomorrow when the boys get home from work. I walk downstairs to find one of the boys to take me to Target. I walk into the kitchen but no one is there. I walk to the living room and see Ashton watching TV on the couch.

"Hey, Dad." I say, getting his attention.

"Morning." He replies, smiling at me.

"I have a question." I tell him.

"What's that?"

"Can I have ten bucks and a ride to Target?" I ask.

"What for?" He asks.


"Lady products." I lie. He nods and tells me to get dressed. I rush upstairs and grab some skinny blue jeans, a Green Day T-Shirt, and black combat boots. I throw them on and put my hair in a bun. I walk downstairs to see Ashton on the couch in some sweats and a tank top. He stands up and we walk out to the car.


Ash hands me a ten dollar bill and I thank him before getting out. I walk into the store and wander around for a while before finding a pride flag. I grab it and go to the cashier. I put it on the conveyer belt thing for him to scan. He makes a disgusted face before picking it up like it's diseased. He quickly scans it and puts it in a bag.

"How mature of him." I mumble under my breath. I hand him my money with a glare. He takes it and gives me my change. He mutters a 'have a good day' before handing me my bag. I roll my eyes and walk away without another word.

"What a dick." I say to myself. I walk out and see Ashton parked in the front. I quickly get in and hide what's in the bag by putting it down at my feet. I hand him the change and buckle up.

"Get what you need?" He asks.

"Mhm." I grumble.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I sigh, sinking down in my seat. Ashton dismisses it and drives back home.


We get home and I thank Ash before rushing to my room with the bag. I get to my room and throw it on the bed. I lock my door and grab black acrylic paint and a flat bristle paint brush from my art room. I exit the closet and place them on my desk. I then take the flag out of its packet and lay it flat on the ground and get to work.

After about ten minutes, it's perfect. I leave it on the ground to dry as I exit my room and into the bathroom to wash the brush. I come back and my door is open.

I closed it.

My eyes widen and I roughly push the door open. Michael stands just inside my room, staring at the flag. My heart pounds, nervous as to what his reaction will be.

He turns to me and then smiles.

That's not really how I thought this would go down.

"You're gay?" He asks. I nod timidly. "Cool." He says. Suddenly, a smile appears on my face. I give him a huge hug. "I came to tell you that lunch is ready, but you weren't answering, so I just walked in." He explains.

"I was gonna hang this up on the wall opposite the front door while you guys were at work tomorrow so that when you walk in, that's the first thing you see." I tell him.

"That's such a good idea!" He exclaims. "I'll record it." He tells me. I laugh and nod. I grab his hand and drag him out of my room and down the stairs, making sure to close the door.

"How do you think they'll react?" I ask as we walk down the stairs.

"I'm sure much like I did." He tells me. I smile softly as we get to the bottom of the stairs.

"PIZZA!" I scream when I see the beautiful cheesy pie. Everyone besides Michael jumps at the sudden noise and turns to face me. I laugh and grab a plate, placing the cheese pizza onto my plate.

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