Chapter 14

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The rest of the night was spent on the floor of the bathroom, crying my eyes out at all of the memories that I had blocked out, but were now flooding into my mind like a river flooding through a broken dam. That is, until Calum walked in.

Ashton holds me in his grip, stroking my hair and letting me cry when a shadow appears in the door way. We both look up and see Calum standing there.

"Hey, uh-" He stutters upon seeing my puffy, bloodshot eyes. "The boys are leaving, if you want to say bye." He tells us. Ashton nods and tells them he'll be down in a minute.

"Do you want to say goodbye?" He asks. I shake my head and Ashton nods before picking me up and placing me in my bed. He turns and walks away, but not before giving me a kiss on the forehead. I calm myself down a little bit while he's gone.

A few minutes later he enters the room. He sits down next to me and pushes some hair out of my face and behind my ear. He smiles softly at me as I wipe my tears away, now that my crying has stopped.

"You wanna go downstairs and watch some TV downstairs?" He asks. I nod and we stand up. We walk downstairs and to the kitchen. Ashton grabs some popcorn and pops it into the microwave. I grab some water and Ashton grabs a soda. When the popcorn is done, he puts it in a bowl. We walk into the room and see Luke sitting on the couch watching TV.

"What's this?" I ask him.

"Law and Order." He tells me. Ashton's eyes widen and he snatches the remote from him, muting it before changing the channel. "Hey, I was watching that!" Luke whines.

"That's not appropriate for Autumn." Ashton states.

"She's fourteen, I'm sure she's fine." He argues.

"She can watch whatever crime show she wants, but not that one." He says firmly.

"What's it about?" I ask.

"It's just a crime show." Luke says. Ashton looks at me, dead serious. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Mostly about rape." He tells me. My eyes go wide.

"Oh." I say quietly. I look at Luke, who's watching this interaction.

"'Oh', what?" He asks me. I look at Ashton pleadingly, not wanting another two hour break down. His eyes meet my pleading ones and then looks at Luke. He stares him dead in the eyes before looking back at me.

"You want me to tell him?" He asks. I nod after thinking for a while. He looks back at Luke. "Her dad raped her multiple times and she just had a two hour breakdown about it. Now stop fucking fighting me on weather she can or can't want a show about rape." He snaps. My eyes water as Luke looks at me with pity. "And stop looking at her like that. She hates it and it just makes it worse."

He mutters a sorry before Ashton walks over, hugging me. He rubs my back and kisses my temple. We sit down side by side. Ashton is on the right side of the couch and Luke is on the left. I cuddle up with Ashton and lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me as Luke turns on Mama Mia. Ashton puts the popcorn on his lap and offers me some. I take a deep breath and take a single piece of popcorn. Not long after, I fall asleep on Ashton.


  I wake up to someone softly saying my name in my ear. My eyes flutter open and I realize that I'm not in my room. I start to freak out for a second until I realize that I'm in the living room, still cuddling with Ash. I look at Ash and see that he's already looking at me.

  "Morning." He chirps.

  "Mhm." I mumble, resting my head back on his chest.

  "Don't go back to sleep, now." He giggles. "You have to come with us to shoot the Easier music video because we'll be gone all day." He tells me. I groan and literally slide off of him and onto the ground. Ashton stands up and walks towards the stairs. "Bring a jacket." He calls as he walks up the stairs and to his bedroom. I furrow my eyebrows because it's summer time. Why would I need a jacket?

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