Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Shocked news 


You came in arena and with the other waiting to James. After a couple of minutes he came in . He has a brown hair and green eyes. He stand on a platform so do you .
"___ go and win.Just believe in a heart of the cards" said Joey and you smiled and showed thump up.
"Let's duel"you both said and started .

~After 15 minutes ~

"Hm that moves are looking familiar.____ can you tell me did you ever play a duel monsters on the internet ?" asked James.
"On the internet?" said Joey.You explain what is duel monsters on the internet and said:
"Yes I did,but why do you ask me that ?"
"Only a one person have so genious moves and it's ____.I supposed before our duel that maybe it is you this ____ from the internet but I wasn't sure.And it's honnor to play with you ___"said James.
"Well thank you and shall we continoue"you said.
"Yes" said James and you continoue a duel.
After a 10 minutes you won.
"It was a great duel " you said and looked at James.
You both came down from the platform and you went to the others.
"You are a great duelist ____" said Yami.
"Thank you"
"You will be definetely become a Queen of Games" said Joey and put one arm around your shoulder but he didn't realised that he hugged you a little to much tigthly.
"Maybe if you don't suffocate me I will become"you said and Joey let you.
"Um sorry ____ I didn't want that " apologise Joey.
"It's okay.Should we go now ?" you said and all the other nodded.
"Wait " yelled James and stand in front of you.
"Would you like to hang out with me later?" he asked and you looked shocked.
"Um I'm sorry James but I already have a boyfriend " you said and smiled at Yami who is smiled back.
"Just as friends ."
"Um I.." but Yami approached to and said"It's okay go with him,it's doesn't mean if you are my girlfriend that you cannot go with him as friends." he said .
"Are you sure?" he nodded and you turned to James."Fine then..."
James smiled and went .

~That evening~

You dressed yourself and waited for James.For some reason you feel that you can't trust this guy even he didn't do anything wrong.You sighed and heard " ____ hi , you looked beautiful my dear" said James and that made you blushed.
"Shall we go?"
"Yes,but where exactly we are going?"
"You will see my dear" said and with him you went to arena. "Look there" he said and pointed to the city.
"It looks beautiful " you said and feel his hand on your.
"Not more then you ___" said James and pushed you against the wall.

Yami's P.O.V.

"I should go for a walk" I said to Yugi and the others.They nodded and I came to arena . Then I heard something "Not more then you ___" said James.
I hide myself and continoue to listen . I trust ____ but for some reason I don't trust to James.
"Listen ____ why you don't leave this guy with freaky hair and come with"he said to ___ and I saw that he pressed her against the wall.
"WHAT?Are you crazy?I would never leave Yami.I love him so much and I would do anything to him.I belongst to him and only him.Now leave me alone!!" said ___ and I recorgnised that she is a angry at James.
"What if I don't let you go?" he said and I showed myself.
"If you don't let her go you will pay " I said and pushed him .
"Oh really what you will do to me freaky hair?" he asked .
"If you tell Yami one more bad words you will pay!" said ____ and raised her voice.
"Then do something babe" he said and then ____ punched him hard in face. I smirked and took her hand.
"Lets go" I said and she nodded.
While we were walking toward her bedroom she said " Thank you Yami"
"Why you said thank you I didn't do anything beside you are the one who is punched him" I said."You know when you are angry you remind me on someone"I said and she stopped.
"You remind me on myself how I act when I am angry"___ looked and smiled.
"But promise me one thing " I said and continoue ''Lever let that angry be more powerful then the light which you have in your heart." .
"I promise " she said .
"For me you are a perfect"___blushed and then we saw someone in the shadow .
"How is there?".
"Ishizu what you are doing here and how you came here?" asked ____.
"My Queen it's honnor to see you again " said Ishizu and bowed her head.
"What?Ishizu I'm Yami's girlfriend not his Queen . We are not married."____ said.
"Not yet"I said and smirked .
"Yes you are"said Ishizu and looked at us.You both looked at Ishizu confused."Come with me"
You and Yami went to Ishizu's room and you all sat on the chair.
"Why you did you said that ____ and me are married."I asked.
"I will explain everything.Let me show you that" said Ishizu and from her necklase went a big light.I closed my eyes and when I opened them ,____,me and Ishizu were on my palace.
"How we came here?"asked ____.
"My Queen , all this started before 5000 years ago , you know for Pharaoh Atem but do you know for his Queen?"
"Hold on a second .You want to tell me that I am Atem's Queen .I'm a Queen of Ancient Egypt" said _____ shocked.
"Yes come with me " said Ishizu and we came in the throne's room and then I looked shocked. There were me as a Pharaoh with crown and all but also there is ____ as a Queen.


I looked shocked.Me,Queen?And the thing be more crazy I'm Yami's Queen.
"Wait Ishizu I have all my memory , how then I don't memory of _____?" asked Yami.
"My Pharaoh on one week before your cornacion there were a ball.____is the princess who were on your ball.You and her fell in love with each other and you said that she can stayed in palace until your cornacion day.When she said to you that she need to married with another prince you proposed her and then you got married."I will show you.Then we came in garden.Yami and I looked and listen:(YAMI is ATEM,PRINCESS is YOU)
"____ why you are so sad?" asked Atem and hold princess (you) hand.
"There is something you don't know.I will be married with princ Alan on Monday."
"What?!But we love each ,we already did well you know what"said Atem to princess and blushed so do Yami and you.
"I don't want that and yes I love you Atem more then anything but I.."started princess to cry and Atem hugged her.
"____I have an idea.Marry me" said Atem and kneel on one knee.
"____ I know it's early but I can allow to lose you.Do me a honnor and become my wife and my Queen." said Atem.
"Atem...I ...I accept"Princess said and hugged him. Atem put a ring on princess finger and you looked shocked .It is a ring which you wearing all the time.
"But how we don't have these memory?"you asked Ishizu .
"My Queen I will show you."
Then again the big light came and you and Yami were on his room in palace .You and Yami watched.
"How is my Queen today?" asked Atem princess and put his hands around your waist.
"Good you"
"Never better"said Atem and kissed princess."Now close your eyes"
Princess closed her eyes and then Atem put a necklase aroune her neck.
"Open them now.Today is our first month our marriage." said Atem while you looked shocked.It was the necklase which you wearing all the time.You squeesed it and continoue to watch.
"That's why your ring and necklase look familiar to me "said Yami.
"And that's why I feel connection with them" you said and then Ishizu said"Now I will show you the most important flashback."
After the big light you were outside on sand.
You and Yami looked and saw both of you (Atem and Queen) on the ground how they are bleeding.You remmember your dream and continoue to watch.
"It's over Pharaoh" said Bakura and laughted evily.
"This attack will send you in another dimension without memory of each other"
Bakura attack Atem but Queen somehow stand in front of him and an attack hit her.
"_____" cried Atem and hugged her."Don't go"
and Queen(you) started to dissapier into the sky.
"Shhh don't cry my love.I know you can defeat him and...I believe that one day we will see each other.I love you Atem." said Queen and they kissed each other again. The big light came again and you and Yami were again in the Ishizu's room.
You and Yami looked shocked expecially you.
"My Queen I know that's hard to believe but..."
"Ishizu it's alright .I know it's hard to believe but inside in myself I know that all this is true."you said and Yami looked at you and smiled.
You both stand up and started to go in your room.
"My majesty wait.It's one more thing you don't know."
You and Yami turned around and looked at Ishizu.
"Be carefull my Queen.The evil will be come again."you both looked shocked and nodded.
Ishizu dissapier and you and Yami went to your room.
"Where have you two been.It's really late?" asked Joey.
You closed the door and with Yami sat on your bed.
"Guys there is something what we didn't know."said Yami and squeesed your hand.
You and Yami said everything to them .
"So you are Queen of Ancient Egypt."said Tristan and you nodded .
"Queen what do you think who stay behind this new evil?"asked Yugi.
"I think it's ...wait a moment Yugi why you call me a Queen."you looked at him shocked.
"Because you are a Queen."he said.
"Yugi yes I am a Queen but I am still the same person.Call me ____"you smiled.Yugi nodded and you stand up and went to your window"I have a bad feeling aboout this person which have number 16." you sighed.
"Me too"said Yami . "But it's better to us to go now sleep.It's really late." You nodded and you all went to sleep.
Yami stay with you in bed and said"I'm so happy to have you again".
You smiled "Me too".You lie your head on his chest and you both fell asleep.

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