Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Goodbye 

The door opened and you sighed.You came in with the others behind you.
"My Queen it's a honnor to be with you here.Are you ready for your double game with me?"Bakura asked and you nodded.
"Everyone to stand there and if anybody stepped in , ____will immediately lose the game"he said.The others have no choise so they stand and watched.
"Which game we play?"you asked and looked at Bakura.
He smirked"Not game but games.You need to find on your own".
"But how she know how to play if she don't know which two games she need to play"said Joey and looked at Yami with hope in his eyes.
Yami just shook his head and watched carefully.He didn't know neither.
You looked at the floor and realise something.You kneel and touch it.The floor looked the same as a chess table.You stand up and smirked.
"It's the chess.Am I right?".
"Immpresive but which is other game?"asled Bakura.
"Duel Monsters.You combinate these two games..He nodded and the duel disk appear on your and Bakura's hand and the chess figure also.
"Why is the queen on my chess side?"you asked.
"You need to choise one of your friend to be there but remember when you lose her/his he/she die."Bakura said evily.
You looked at the others and stepped on the queen place.
"____ choise me you can't faight alone.When you lose part of your life poinst you lose your energy also.And how you'll remember where is every your figure and which card you use on that figure"said Yami.You shook your head and said"No I can't afford you to be hurt more and I don't want anyone to be in danger so I'll play on my own"you said and looked back at Bakura.
After 20 minutes the game was going pretty good for you .
"Why Bakura smirked all the time?"asked Tea confused.
"Now my move."you draw the card and looked shocked."O-oricalcos!H'-how this came in my deck.I didn't have it.".You put a hand on your head.~Play it,you want that.Rule the world ~you heard a voice around the room.
The other looked shocked expecialy Yami.
He know you act like him when you are angry.If he play the Seal of the Orichalcos then you would also.
"What is that voice?It's kind a creppy"said Tristan.
"Oh did I forget to told you?This room raise up the evil in everyone.Yami made him anger to went after all that things with Dartz.The other are good and all that stupid things but Queen ,we will see what will happen."said Bakura and laughted like a maniac.
"No,she isn't evil.___ know that this card is evil"said Yugi.
"But the voice of anger inside ___ said the other thing"said Joey.
~Play it!Leave your friends and play it...You want this...You can rule the world can win in every games...leave them!!!~
"This isn't good !"said Kaiba.
You looked at the floor and took the Oricalchos but your hand started to shake.
"Do it ____.You can leave the Pharaoh and rule the world with me.You want that"sahjd Bakura.
"No I can't do that and I DON'T WANT THAT.I LOVE YAMI AND I WOULD NEVER LEAVE MY FRIENDS.NOO I WON'T DO THAT!!!!"you yelled and throw the card.You looked at Bakura and said"Yes,I had an anger inside me but I promise to one person..."you looked at Yami"that I would never let my anger to be more then light in my heart."you smiled at Yami who smiled back"and I only belong to that person because I love him more then everything.".
Bakura growled"Fine then but you made a teribble mistake.".
"I put a one card face down on me and one on my first figure and end my turn"you said.
"You made a mistake which will cost your life.My second figure attack the opponents queen"said Bakura.
"Nooo _____"the others yelled .
"Now I activate my magic card which alows me to change place with my figure"you went to the other'place and stand there.It was really close to them and it was comfortable to know that they are close to you.Now they even see your cards in hand.
Yami sighed and smiled at you."I'm glad I didn't lose you".
You fell on your kness when Bakura destroy your figure.
"Are you alright?"Yugi asked and you stand up and nodded.
"After this game you two won't be together.And ____ isn't better for you to surender.Just look around ,the game are almost in the end and your position isn't good"laughted Bakura.
"I never lose any games and I wouldn't lose the most important game in my life.I never give up"you said and draw a card.You close your eyes and sighed . A lots of flashback go through in your head.
'I won't lose you guys'you said in yourself and looked to the card.It was the The Winged Dragon of Ra.Yami and the other saw that.
"That doesn't mean she can win.I know a lot of chess and believe ____is in a bad position"raid Kaiba in his usual tone."But ____ beat him.I want you to beat in a Duel Monsters.I want to beat the Queen of every Games".You looked at Kaiba and nodded.
''But think about your last move carefully.This is your last move"said Yugi.You smiled and looked at your cards and thought where are your chess figure.
'Wait a minute if I move my first figure into the second place I will have two figure to sacrofiese for Ra.And if I move myself in front of Bakura's second figure then I can sacrofiese these two and Bakura's figure for Ra.Then when Ra attack I will win.'you thought in yourself.You made these moves and it works.
"Now Ra destroy Bakura " you yelled and pointed at Bakura who is sweat but smirked.
"I won...."you whispered and painted.
"Wait she is won why Bakura didn't disapiere?"asked Joey and the other looked confused.
Bakura approached to you and took his sword.You stand up and preapiere to fight.
''Congratulations ____ you won.But can you really destroy me.You can't even to stand properly."he said and smirked.
You and Bakura started to fight and it wasn't going very well.Bakura was exhausted but not so much.You accidently drop your sword and when you wanted to took it Bakura pushed and he was on top of you with his sword .
"I told you to stay by my side and leave the Pharaoh..."your sword were closed and while Bakura was talking with your fingers you slowly took it."....but now it's over.After all these years . Finally!!!".You tight your sword and kill the Bakura.
"NOOOO DAMN YOU ____"Bakura yelled and dissapiered.You lie there and smiled to yourself.The door opened and one tear fell from your eye.
'It's time to say Goodbye"you thought in yourself.
"____ are you alright?"asked Yami and kneel beside you and hugged you.Instead of hug you kissed him passionetely and he kissed back.
'Our last kiss'you thought in yourself and the tears started to fell from your eyes.You stand up and looked at thn others.
You hugged them all "Guys ...You will missed me so much.
"____ what you are talking about?You won we can go home now"said Yugi confused as the others.You stand in front of the door and said"The only way to go home is to sacrofiese someone.I can't let anyone to die here so I'll sacrofiese myself."You turned to them.
"Yami I'm sorry but we can't be together.I will always love only you and belongst only to you but you I need to go...One day you will have another Queen by your side and you will have a daughter.I will always watched there for you.I love you".You turned to the door and slowly came in while the others yelled your name.The light suround all of you .

Yami's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and looked around.We where in town again actualy in park and there was everyone expect the one person.
"She is gone..."said Yugi and started to cry . The other fell on ther kness and bowed their head and crying.
"________,_________ COME BACK,PLEASE COME BACK "I yelled the loudest I could but nothing.
"Please come back...."I whispered and fell on my kness.I looked shocked and started to cry.
"She won't come back..."whispered Yugi.

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