Nightmare (hw!Zelda x Impa)

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So Undercrafter stops yelling at me to get this done, I DID IT ARE YOU HAPPY!? Just kidding you know I love you.
Also shameless self promotion: please give my new series "The Legend of Zelda: Calamitous End" a read if you have the time! It can be found here on wattpad and my tumblr as well!

Zelda had been having terrible nightmares for weeks now, and every night Impa would be there to hold her as she cried. The sight always broke the Sheikah warrior's heart, her sweet little princess trembling with such fear. It was her job to protect her, to make her feel safe, and yet.. Zelda still woke up crying every night.

She never spoke much about her dreams, just that it scared her. Dark clouds rushed towards the castle, and no matter how fast she ran, it was never fast enough to escape. Zelda feared this dream was a prophecy, an omen of worse things to come. Something was trying to hurt her, and that absolutely terrified her.

Impa felt powerless while Zelda stayed wrapped tightly in her arms. All she could do was hold her, and promise her that she would stay by her side, but there was nothing she could do to make these nightmares end.

If only she knew just how much she meant to her...


Impa's worst fears where realized almost a month later. Wizzro and his army assaulted the castle, and Zelda was nowhere to be seen. She had failed, and even worse..

She broke her promise.

She promised Zelda that she would keep her safe, that nothing would ever harm her, and yet she failed.

Zelda was gone, right through her fingertips, and it was all her fault.

The guilt weighed heavily on Impa, so much so that she never once stopped to rest once they started searching. Even now as they set up camp in Faron woods, Impa paced back and forth, unable to still her troubled mind. Troops caught word that there was a mysterious woman fighting in the woods, and Impa's heart soared with hope that it would be her princess... but all they found was a sorceress named Lana. Her disappointment stayed clear on her face, so much so that even Link took to reassuring her that Zelda was fine. But still Impa stayed worried.. if only they had taken those nightmares seriously..


The group was now making their way through the Eldin Caves, troops of Gorons helping out where they could. Impa couldnt explain it, but she felt as if she was being watched the whole time. It wasnt until a full out battle had started in the caves that her suspicions were proved true, as a Sheikah youth named Sheik appeared to help the allied forces.

Impa was skeptical of this warrior, considering there was no 'Sheik' in her tribe. But he fought admirably, and the help was much appreciated.


Ever since joining, Sheik never strayed far from Impa's side, which was starting to unnerve her. She had other things to worry about, not babysitting some new ally. But Sheik insisted, saying Sheikah warriors had to stick together, which Impa knew was true.. if there was more than just herself on the battlefield. Impa knew Sheik wasn't who he said he was, but that still didnt tell her who he really was. Naturally, Impa started to interrogate him, but no new information was gained. Somehow, Sheik knew the answer to every single question she asked, questions only true Sheikah and Princess Zelda knew the answers to. Impa would have to drop it for now though, they were on a more important mission now.


Impa's Hope's of finally finding Zelda were all but crushed by the time they made it to the water temple. This Zelda commanding the enemy forces, she knew that she was a fraud. So now it was up to her and Sheik to figure out who this imposter was, and Sheik knew just how to do it.

Ruto passed along the lens of truth to the young sheilah warrior before making her retreat. Impa was skeptical of his plan of course, but only Sheik could possibly know the truth..


"How did you see through my disguise!?" Wizzro yelled as his plan came unraveled before him.

"You can't be the real Zelda because.." A bright light surrounded Sheik, and only when it dissipated was the truth finally revealed. "I am Zelda. Impa I'm sorry I didnt tell you sooner.. you must have been so worried."

Relief flooded Impa's features as finally, her princess was safe.

Together they defeated Wizzro, and closed the gate of souls, happy to return together in triumph.

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