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Chanhee: You like him don't you?

Y/N: No.

Chanhee: Hyunjoon told me. You don't need to lie to me.

Y/N: Fine. But don't tell anyone. I need to hang out with you to not have to worry about him.

Chanhee: You really need to control the way you show it.

Y/N: I will. Eventually. Help me with the notes.


Changmin: Knock Knock.

Juyeon: I got it.

Changmin: Aw my head hurts. I'm going to-

Y/N: So if I divide this then I should get my answer. Or do I square it?

Changmin: ...Y/N?

Y/N: Oh Changmin. Hi.

Changmin: You didn't tell me you were coming.

Y/N: Because I didn't come for you. Plus you seemed busy.

Changmin: So you left school campus without telling me anything? You didn't even say you were going. And you left when I sat down at the canteen. And when I go to tell you something-

Y/N: Im sorry. Our schedules are just off.

Changmin: More like timing, our timing is off.

Kevin: How? You two always have great timing.

Changmin: Not anymore it seems.

Y/N: Changmi-

He leaves before letting you finish leaving the room temperature to rise.

Eric: I think you divide it by two.

Y/N: I'll be back. Changmin!

You get up and speed walk to find Changmin. You reached the one place you haven't checked, outside.

Y/N: Changmin.

Changmin: Go back to what you really came here for.

Y/N: I didn't mean it like that. I-

Changmin: And I didn't call for you here.

Y/N: Just let me explain-

Changmin: Explain what? That we aren't friends anymore?

Y/N: No. Changmin please.

Changmin: Fine go.

Y/N: You've been so busy so I asked Chanhee to help me with our notes.

Changmin: You should've just asked me. I always make time to help you. Is it because I was hanging out with Jiwoo?

Y/N: What would this have to do with her? All I needed was help.

Changmin: Then wait and tell me.

Y/N: I'm sorry I didn't.

Changmin: Its ok. Remember next time.

Y/N: Yes. I'll go get you something for your headache.

Changmin: Im fine. I'm just going to rest.

Y/N: You sure? I can make-

Changmin: Im fine. Thank you anyways.

He kissed your forehead and went to his room. You froze.

Y/N: What just happened.

Kevin: Y/N get back inside before you get a cold.

Y/N: Right. I'm going to head to the store to get Changmin some headache medicine.

Eric: Who's taking you?

Y/N: Me. I know a place not to far from here.

Kevin: Be back before it's dark.

Y/N: Yeah.

You leave to the convenience store a few blocks away from their dorm.

Y/N: Excuse me? Do you have any medicine for headaches?

Worker: Yes. Is it a migraine?

Y/N: No. Just a minor headache.

Worker: Ah. Isle 3 in the far right shelf.

Y/N: Thank you.

You leave to find a few medicines. After you get 2 bottles just in case you check them out and walk back to The Boyz' dorm. As you walked out you notice it was almost completely dark. The street lights were on already.

Y/N: Ugh. Why did I have to get the soup too?

???: Hey pretty girl. It's dangerous to be walking around at this time.

. . . . . . . . . 

Short chapter  o-o

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