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Minho: Who is he?

Minyoon: Maybe I should just tell you all anyways so it makes more sense. I did not go on a trip. I ran away. If I didn't I would've put the love of my life and someone I most cherish in danger. Hwa's father was in love with my mom but when she died his dad blamed mine. My father brought me to Korea and left me to stay with someone. That man that one day Minho... the one who almost killed you was Hwa's father. Hwa was forced to get Y/N as a bait so he can get me. His father said that if he wasn't able to get my mother he wanted me to marry Hwa so he can be connected to her in a way.

Minho: No. You- You are-

Minyoon: Let me finish. I left the country. I was of course followed but I also found my father. He was just like i always knew he was like. Hwa bumped into me at a bakery and told me that he didn't want to do anything his father told him. He said he had fallen in love with a girl but had to give up on her since his dad wanted me with him. He knew Minho and I were together and planned on killing Minho so I was single. If I didn't come Minho would have been gone for good. Me and Hwa planned on making his father fall for his own trap. We got help from my father who is still currently in Europe and he told us that Hwa's father had a plan all along and he knew it. We got away with it and now Hwa is officially living with his mom for good. His dad is sentenced to a mental health institute until he is controlled and maintained to be less obsessed and holding a grudge. He is also in big surgery due to the hit he got last year from a car accident that has been messing with his body. Hwa is taken, Minho. And I am too. I brought him here because he wanted to say something to you...Changmin.

Minho: Wait a minute. YOU ARE TAKEN?! BY WHO?

Minyoon: The love of my life.

Minho: Who is he?! Don't tell me I suffered every night thinking about you and wanting you to come back only to find out you aren't mine?! Aish~ Im such a fcking idiot.

Minyoon: Yeah you are. YOU. Lee Min Ho are the love of my life.

Minho: Ohhhhhhhh~~~

Minyoon: For someone who didn't need to take his entrance exams to get accepted you are pretty stupid if I do say so myself.

Minho: At least I know you are mine. Forever.

He got up and hugged and kissed her. They hugged and she sat down and he still held on to her.

Hwa: You must be Y/N Moon and Ji Changmin... I'm sorry. I was doing what my father had forced me to do. Later when Changmin stood up for you I noticed how weak I really was. I wasn't able to stand up for my girlfriend like Changmin did for Y/N. I'm sorry if I caused you harm. I didn't mean to. I'm deeply and truly sorry.

Changmin: You still got that scar on your wrist from Y/N.

Y/N: Shut up you still have a little bump from where he hit your lip.

Changmin: You're just lucky you didn't get hurt.

Y/N: I would've been fine.

Changmin: mhmm sure.

Hwa: Are those two actually together?

Both: NO.

Hwa: You two are cute together.

Sunwoo: TOLD YA!

Sunwoo: I bet one fancy dinner that they will go out soon.

Eric: Aight. I'm up for that bet.

Sunwoo: Gotta have money for that bet Eric.

Eric: Who said I didn't have money Sunwoo?

Y/N: Ok~ How bout you both shut up and we all celebrate that Minyoon is back? Yeah?

All: Agreed!

Y/N: See.

You all walked back inside and ate dinner together at very late at night.

Y/N: Wait. How did Joohui and Yeonji know you were coming?

Minyoon: I used a telephone booth. I remembered Yeonji's number and told her I would be coming back by this week.

Yeonji: And me being me figured out that she would most likely be coming today.

Minyoon: So did Y/N give you what I asked her too?

Minho: She's my girlfriend.

Minyoon: Hey!

Minho: Kidding. Kidding. Geez. Yes.

Changmin: If I may quote he said "She is the only thing I have left".

Minho: I love you~

Minyoon: I love me too~ *Minho pouted* Fine I love you too~

Kevin: Y/N did you finally finish unpacking?

Y/N: Well...

Minho: Her bed is in her living room, her couch is in her hallway, the only thing in the right space is the kitchen.



Y/N: Not on my watch.

Hyunjoon: Did you want to move everything to its proper place yourself?

Minyoon: You moved Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah. A week or two after you left.

Minyoon: Why didn't you tell me?

Y/N: You threw your phone in a trash chute how could I contact you?

Minyoon: You knew before so why didn't you tell me then?

Y/N: You were always busy and I didn't want to ruin you and Minho time.

Felix: So unpacking party or?

Y/N: Sure. I don't really have much to unpack.

Minho: Lies. You have 10 boxes of stuff and furniture you haven't-

Minyoon feeds him to make him stop talking.

Y/N: Thank you.

Time went by. You finally had your house unpacked and in proper places. Hwa was taken to clear his reputation of what happened before. He was told to do 8000 hours of community service and transferred to a school across town since he was expelled.

It got closer to the day you were going to perform. You practiced non-stop for hours. You didn't see Changmin much anymore so you assumed he had started dating. You didn't want to ruin it for him so you just left him alone. The weird part was that you never saw him with his "girlfriend". The girls you only ever saw him with was Minyoon, Joohui, Yeonji, and Jiwoo. At this point you didn't think about Changmin and Jiwoo dating after what you found out at the party they just seemed to be good friends. Today was the last day for practice since you would be performing at 6pm (18:00). 

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